California Wilderness Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers
Individuals preparing to enter a rehabilitation program should carefully evaluate the different types of programs available to see which is best suited for their needs. California offers a variety of different treatment options including wilderness therapy to help bring individuals closer to nature and provide them with a safe and supportive recovery environment.
Types of Rehab Programs Available in California
Throughout the state of California, there are a number of different types of rehab programs. Rehabs are typically divided into inpatient and outpatient treatment options. While inpatient treatment tends to offer more intensive and all-encompassing treatment, outpatient treatment can be a good option for those who would struggle to leave their other obligations completely behind while attending treatment.
There can also be traditional programs, such as 12-step programs and traditional group and personal therapy options, as well as a host of alternative treatment options. Alternative and holistic treatment options tend to focus on healing the entire person to help them overcome their addiction.
One increasingly common form of alternative treatment would be incorporating outdoor activities and the wilderness. These types of rehab options will offer patients a less clinical setting where they can retreat from the stresses and influences that have contributed to their substance abuse problems. Outdoor and wilderness challenges can also inspire patients to grow in other ways and learn more about themselves. They can help patients improve their feelings of self-worth and accomplishment, which can also be excellent tools for overcoming substance abuse problems and growing towards a more healthful future.
Outdoor Activities in California
California is a diverse state with ample opportunities for hiking and exploring the great outdoors. The numerous parks, forests, and recreation areas found throughout the state are fantastic for experiencing the natural beauty up close while on your path to recovery.
There are famous landmarks, such as the California Redwoods in the Redwood National Park or Big Basin Redwoods State Park. The Pine Ridge Trail that takes people to Sykes Hot Springs is also immensely popular. There are also several trails that go through ravines, near lakes, and through mountains, offering stunning scenery and an unforgettable experience.
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Camping is a wonderful way to experience nature while in treatment in a completely unique way. Sleeping in the great outdoors has a way of inspiring and bonding people to nature. California has dozens of parks that make for wonderful camping experiences.
There are different levels of camping, from those who want to hike along immense, beautiful trails with their materials strapped to their back and establish their own campsite, to those who want to set up a tent in an established site with access to modern amenities when needed. There are sites on lakes and in many of the state parks. Regardless of the type of camping chosen, spending time outside can be a wonderful way to retreat from the world and make progress with rehab treatment.
Wildlife Viewing
With the incredible natural diversity that comes with California, wildlife viewing is a naturally popular activity. The state has a variety of different habitats, from deserts to snowy mountains, and the wildlife reflects that diversity. There are black bears, elk, bobcats, tortoise, roadrunners, mountain weasels, and more. Many patients find watching wildlife and meditating on them can be wonderfully relaxing and inspiring when seeking a sober life.
Horseback Riding
Horses are powerful, intelligent creatures that have served humans for generations. Many people find therapeutic horseback riding to be a powerful way to improve psychological well-being, as it can help people improve self-confidence, patience, and self-discipline, which can be wonderful for those looking to overcome substance abuse problems. There are numerous places to experience horseback riding in California, such as along trails near Crescent City and in several of the parks and forests in the state.
Getting Help Today
Alternative therapies such as outdoor and wilderness experiences can be excellent ways to improve rehab options and increase the odds of success. Those interested in learning more about how these options can help rehab patients should contact We are here to get you where you need to go and to answer any and all of your questions regarding treatment.