Sex Addiction Treatment

Medically reviewed by
Jennifer Cousineau MSCP, LPCI, NCCMarch 14, 2019
Even though sex addiction may be uncomfortable to discuss with others, it may be connected to other behavioral health disorders, so you should seek professional help. We do not currently offer programming specific to sex addiction treatment.
Private Rehab Offers A Discreet Solution For Those Suffering From Sex Addiction
There are many different types of sexual addictions that psychologists and physicians have identified. Often doctors have found that these addictions are rooted in a person’s desire to engage in risky behaviors. This could mean a constant desire to have sexual relations with different partners or an obsession with unsafe sexual practices. Other addicts may end up committing crimes related to sex, such as exhibitionism or rape.
A sex addict may end up having significant health problems, as unprotected sex with multiple partners can easily lead to a host of sexually transmitted diseases. Others suffering from this type of addiction may have an abnormally high sex drive, making it difficult to function successfully in other areas of their lives. Addictions of this nature can have a tremendous emotional impact as well. A sex addict may end up cheating on his or her marriage partner, paving the way for a painful divorce, financial problems, and/or displaced children.
Personalized Plans Available Through Private Rehab Facilities Often Provide Best Chance Of Success
Although some people may not consider a sex addiction to be a significant issue, the consequences listed above illustrate how such an uncontrollable addiction can ruin a life. The uncomfortable nature of sexual problems desires a private treatment plan.
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Private rehabilitation clinics can provide the help that sex addicts need to overcome their problems. They offer treatment techniques that can be adapted to the individual patient, in a totally confidential setting. A personalized plan of action within a private clinic often yields the best results.
Some plans for overcoming addiction may take a short time, while others can require an intensive several week plan. Some doctors and psychiatrists will include prescription drugs as part of the treatment plan. These prescriptions can help the addict combat the urges he or she feels that lead to risky behaviors. Other doctors may suggest recovery groups or educational programs for ongoing treatment after rehab.
Questions About Sexually Related Issues Can Be Answered at Private Rehab Centers
If you’re unsure exactly how to proceed when it comes to seeking treatment, the professionals at rehab facilities can give you the answers you need. For more free information about the best type of addiction treatment, contact us today.