Rehabs That Provide Diabetic Diets For Addiction Treatment

Medically reviewed by
Isaac Alexis, M.D., AAMA, AMP-BCMarch 14, 2019
In addiction rehabilitation, the health and well-being of patients is the top priority. When a patient with diabetes is struggling with addiction, finding a rehab that will accommodate dietary needs is crucial to a safe and effective recovery process.
An estimated 29.1 million (or 9.3 percent) of Americans have diabetes. While 21 million people are aware that they have this disease, it is believed that 27 percent of total cases of diabetes go undiagnosed. Monitoring blood sugar, staying active, and maintaining a healthy diet is key in treating the symptoms of the disease. By assisting patients in diabetic needs, rehabs can better serve those struggling with addiction and help them on the road to lasting recovery.
What Is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a metabolic disease that impacts the body’s ability to produce or use insulin. Insulin is produced by the pancreas, and is used to metabolize glucose in the blood. There are two common types of chronic diabetes in patients. Type 1 diabetes refers to the condition in which the body produces little to no insulin. Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed when the body has trouble processing the insulin and sugars in the body.
In addition to chronic forms of diabetes, there are also temporary afflictions. Gestational diabetes is onset by hormonal response in pregnancy. A laboratory test is usually performed in the second trimester to rule out the occurrence of gestational diabetes, and to begin treatment if necessary.
How Is Diabetes Treated?
Most cases of diabetes can be managed through insulin therapy. Patients regularly check their blood sugar through the use of a blood glucose monitor and use the results to decipher if insulin or more glucose is necessary. In some cases, insulin pumps serve as a method of insulin dosing. The pump can be set to check blood sugar automatically and administer insulin as needed. If glucose is low, the pump will alarm the patient that it is time to eat. This device is more commonly used in patients with abrupt spikes and crashes to better manage blood sugar.
In addition to insulin therapy:
- Physicians will recommend dietary changes in persons suffering from diabetes. This often involves limited carbs, limited sugar, and higher fiber and protein. Portion control helps to keep weight down, which studies have proven to improve the outlook for diabetic patients.
- It is also recommended that patients with diabetes participate in an active lifestyle to improve function in the pancreas. This helps to maintain weight and aids in metabolizing sugar.
- Hydration and low sodium foods are especially important for those struggling with diabetes, as hydropsy (water retention) is common in diabetic patients. Adequate water also improves the function of other organs and lessens the risk of infection.
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By following physician recommendation, diabetes is a controllable condition. As is the case with many chronic diseases, diabetes can be better managed with healthy lifestyle choices. In the event that substance abuse becomes a problem, it is especially important for patients with diabetes to seek recovery.
Rehabs Accommodate Diabetic Needs In Recovery
In recovery, many patients find comfort and empowerment through healthy choices. As addiction is being kicked out the door, some are inspired to assume healthier routines, like diet and exercise. This is especially important for patients with diabetes. Many rehabilitation centers focus on specific needs of the patients, because it is understood that overall well-being is essential to a lasting recovery.
Some ways that rehab centers accommodate the needs of diabetic patients include:
- Guided glucose control and tracking
- Medical staff and dietitians to monitor levels and overall health during rehabilitation – especially during detoxification when the body is more susceptible to spikes and crashes
- Low carb meals with high protein and dietary fiber
- Readily-available water and sugar-free beverages
- Dietary counseling to better control blood sugar
- Exercise programs to establish healthy movement and weight loss
- Insulin and glucose administration
- Close monitoring of detoxification drugs which may impact blood sugar
Success in treatment can be better accomplished through an accommodating facility. Dietary needs must be met by the facility, as well as medical assistance when managing addiction with diabetes. When choosing a rehabilitation facility, it is important to consult with the facilitator to cover specific dietary options prior to admittance.
A Supportive Rehab
People with diabetes are especially susceptible to health problems while experiencing addiction. Many patients find trouble managing blood glucose levels as a result of substance abuse and often need additional support in rehab. A knowledgeable staff can make all the difference in the recovery experience for those seeking rehabilitation from addiction. Dietary support is particularly important, as promoting full health can positively impact the process of recovery and increase the likelihood of lasting sobriety.
We Can Help
Diabetes can be a difficult disease to manage in conjunction with substance abuse. Finding help is especially important. If dietary needs are a concern while choosing a rehab, contact the caring staff at for guidance. We are here to answer any questions you may have and assist in providing resources for better managing diabetes in recovery. Contact us today for more information.