United Healthcare Rehabs In Wyoming – Insurance Coverage

For patients struggling with substance abuse, the first step towards recovery is often specialized treatment. The right therapy and care can help people suffering from addiction rid their body of harmful substances and learn how to resist the temptation to use again in the future. They will be handed the tools they need for a healthier and fulfilling life.

For many, however, the question of cost often arises. The treatment that many people need to recover requires payment. Fortunately, under the Affordable Care Act, all insurance options sold under the Health Insurance Exchanges must include treatment for substance use disorders. This means insured patients will often be able to get some coverage for their long-term or short-term care. For patients in Wyoming, United Healthcare is one of the available providers. There are a few different types of plans available in the area.

United Healthcare for Substance Abuse Recovery In Wyoming

United Healthcare Choice

This is considered an Open Access plan. People suffering from addiction will have a fixed dollar co-payment, which will help them plan for the cost of their treatment. There are also options for coinsurance, which helps to provide additional coverage and reduce the out-of-pocket expenses for the them and loved ones. When people suffering from addictions work with professionals who are in network, they have lower out-of-pocket costs for their treatment. This provides them with many options for their detox and treatment options.

United Healthcare Choice Plus

This is also an Open Access plan and it has many similarities to the United Healthcare Choice plan. The most significant difference is that if someone decides to go with an out-of-network provider, they can receive a level of benefits. They will still have to pay more than if they chose an in-network provider, but they will still typically receive some discount.  They can then investigate the inpatient and outpatient treatments available to them.

Health Reimbursement Account

In a Health Reimbursement Account, the employer owns the account. Their employees can receive treatment for any type of corresponding health plan. If they don’t use all the funds in the account, then the unused funds can then be transferred to the following year. While this type of plan is not portable between different employers, it is designed to help motivate employees to take care of their health.

Health Savings Account

This type of account must be paired with a high-deductible health plan. It differs from the reimbursement account because the employees themselves own the accounts and can make contributions to it. When employees switch employers, the account can be taken with them. This can help them prioritize and obtain the funds they need to coverage their cognitive behavior therapy and other types of therapy.

United Healthcare Options PPO

This plan offers people recovering from rehab health insurance through a nationwide network of providers. There are co-payments, deductibles, and coinsurance options that will differ based upon the level of coverage selected.. As a result, they don’t have to worry about selecting a primary physician to coordinate care and can see specialists without a referral.

Those who receive care through in-network providers will receive a higher level of benefits while those who receive care through out-of-network providers will receive their care with a higher coinsurance or deductible level. Approval and claims must be self submitted.

United Healthcare Options Non-Differential PPO

Those who do not have access to the standard PPO network service area can receive coverage through the non-differential PPO. Those with those plan will receive their reimbursement from their inpatient or outpatient care at a single co-insurance level. It is also the responsibility of them to obtain all necessary approvals and submit the needed claims. They can see non-network providers, but their level of coverage will be lower. Those struggling with substance abuse can then find the providers they need to obtain the long-term or short-term treatment they need begin the process of recovery.

For patients in Wyoming, the first step towards recovery from substance abuse means finding the right treatment center to help them detox and learn the skills they need to live a healthier lifestyle. Those with United Healthcare will find that they have many options available at their fingertips. Those interested in learning more should contact their insurance representative and begin the process of finding the right treatment center today.


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