Rehab Centers That Accept Humana Insurance In Indiana
Addiction is often categorized by many people as a condition or a state of being. That fact of the matter is, addiction is an illness and a disease. It requires treatment, and each patient should be treated as an individual. A qualified rehab center will work with each and every patient in order to identify the root cause of their addiction, and create a treatment plan that addresses their own unique situation. Some patients will do better under a rigorous schedule at a residential rehab center, where they will stay for a set period of time until they are recovered. Others will respond better to an alternative approach to addiction, and may prefer to work with a holistic treatment center while they recover from addiction. Regardless of the addiction care plan that a person chooses for themselves, they will want to make sure that they also get care that they can afford. Indiana residents who have Humana health insurance will find that their plan may cover all or part of their addiction treatment costs.
Humana in Indiana
Humana offers three different types of health insurance plans to people in Indiana. They can be broken down into several level categories, ensuring that patients can choose a plan that provides them with the coverage they need at a price they can afford.
The plan that offers the most comprehensive coverage in Indiana is the silver level plan through Humana. This plan is considered a moderate level plan, with higher premiums but also more extensive coverage for health care services. Patients who choose this plan do not have to pay as much out-of-pocket for their health care needs. One silver plan that is offered in Indiana includes a $3,650 deductible for an individual and once the deductible is met, they do not have to pay any out-of-pocket costs for substance abuse treatment services.
Another plan available through Humana in Indiana is the bronze level plan. This plan has lower monthly premiums than the silver level plan, but also requires patients to pay a higher deductible on an annual basis. One bronze level plan available in Indiana has a $6,300 deductible for an individual and there is no charge for both inpatient and outpatient substance abuse treatment after the deductible has been met.
Health savings accounts are available through the Silver and Bronze plans, if patients are interested. These savings accounts can help reduce the cost of addiction treatment services.
Treatment Services for Addiction
There are many different types of treatment services available for addiction, which allows patients to choose a rehab center that is right for them. Patients who have a severe addiction to drugs and alcohol may do best at a residential treatment center. At this type of facility, they will receive inpatient care from doctors, nurses, recovery specialists and lifestyle experts. They will focus completely on their recovery for a specific period of time, and then they can move forward with their sobriety upon completing the program.
Patients who have a mild or moderate addiction to alcohol may prefer to begin their treatment at an outpatient counseling center, where they can participate in individual and group therapy sessions in order to better understand the cause of their addiction. They also can work to create a plan that will help them move forward as a sober person.
Humana Coverage for Behavioral Health Care Services
Coverage for behavioral health care services, including addiction treatment at qualified rehab centers, will vary based on the Humana plan that the patient enrolls in. In many cases, patients will find that they receive all or partial coverage for their treatment.
Contact Us Today
If you or someone that you love is showing the signs and symptoms of addiction, you should not wait to get them the help that they need. At, we work tirelessly to provide our clients with information about rehab centers in their area that will best meet their needs. Do not hesitate to contact us in order to find out more information about Indiana rehab centers that accept your Humana health insurance plan. Our caring counselors are available to speak with you right now, and they will help you locate a facility that will meet your needs. Contact us at today.