Addiction and Treatment Statistics for West Virginia
With the growing concern over the opioid epidemic, the state of West Virginia is focused on creating resources for communities, schools, and workplaces to take action. This collaborated approach relies on treatment facilities that focus on evidence-based methods along with coalitions that promote mental health wellness. West Virginia is dedicated to providing its residents with quality addiction treatment.
Families often struggle to find the right substance abuse treatment center when faced with drug or alcohol addiction. West Virginia offers hundreds of choices that provide different services and environments.
West Virginia Substance Abuse Statistics
West Virginia is facing an opioid crisis like most states. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows West Virginia has one of the highest drug overdose death rates in the country. Other must-know facts about West Virginia include:
- In 2015, West Virginia reported an average of 33 deaths per 100,000 people, which was more than twice the national average.
- One in 10 people struggles with addiction.
- At 14.7 per 100,000 people, West Virginia has the second highest rate of viral hepatitis cases in the country, often the result of IV drug use.
- In 2013, an estimated 7,000 children were addicted to drugs.
- Around 110,000 adults are dependant on illicit drugs or alcohol in West Virginia.
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Choosing The Right Rehab Program in West Virginia
With a variety of treatment programs located in the state, it can be difficult to choose the right one. Here are some things to consider when searching for a rehab program:
- Accreditation: Treatment centers must carry a license by the state of West Virginia and have it openly displayed or be willing to show it if necessary. Many will also have third-party accreditations from CARF or the Joint Commission. This means the facility is up to standards of quality care.
- Evidence-based Approaches: Evidence-based approaches are the preferred treatment methods for most forms of medical care including drug and alcohol rehab. These methods are based on clinical experience, best research evidence, and patient preferences.
- Length/Location: Location is one of the first things to consider when shopping for a drug or alcohol treatment program. Often families must travel to find the right facility. On average, residential treatment can last as long as 120 days, but depends on individual needs.
- Aftercare and Alumni Services: Aftercare and Alumni services reduce the risk of relapse by providing resources necessary to maintain recovery. Many treatment centers partner with programs like AA or NA to ensure support once a person leaves an inpatient program.
- Payment: Most insurance companies will provide some of the funds for a rehab program, but may require the insured share the cost via a copayment. Take the time to look at the policy and develop a strategy for covering these added costs.
West Virginia Drug And Alcohol Rehab Services
Understanding the many services available from drug and alcohol treatment centers is a challenge. It starts with learning the service terminology, which includes:
- Drug and Alcohol Detox Programs: Detox occurs once a person stops taking a drug or drinking, potentially causing dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Managed detox allows for medical supervision and support during this time.
- Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT): MAT provides FDA-approved medication to help those with an opioid or alcohol addiction. It is combined with therapy and is considered a safe way to stop using.
- Behavioral Therapy: Behavioral Therapy works to change destructive behaviors like drug or alcohol use. It helps a person understand why they do these things and look for ways to overcome harmful actions.
- Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders (Dual Diagnosis): Addiction can also come with a co-occurring mental health issue like depression or bipolar disorder. With the dual diagnosis approach, the care plan should cover both addiction and the mental health problem to increase the chances of recovery.
Finding Addiction Treatment
Looking for a drug or alcohol program is not easy. It requires research and planning and is an essential first step towards a healthy life. Some families find travel is necessary to locate the right program to help guide them on the path towards recovery.
Child Welfare League of America - West Virginia's Children 2015
Drug Enforcement Administration - West Virginia: The Facts
The Washington Times - West Virginia has highest drug overdose death rate
West Virginia Dept. of Health and Human Resources - West Virginia Viral Hepatitis Epidemiological Profile 2017