Addiction and Treatment Statistics for Suffolk, Virginia

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Suffolk, Virginia

Individuals in Suffolk looking for addiction treatment will find at least three outpatient drug and alcohol rehab centers to choose from, which are ideal for those with support at home.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Suffolk, Virginia

Inpatient and outpatient addiction treatment centers are available within 15 miles of Suffolk in Portsmouth, Virginia.

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Inpatient programs are designed for those with a severe substance use disorder to give them a secure and supportive place to recover.

Intensive outpatient programs may be offered as well, which include drug-specific relapse prevention, treatment for individual issues, and individual relapse prevention plans.

Substance Abuse In Suffolk, Virginia

The misuse of prescription opioids and other opiates has been a major concern in Suffolk over the past few years. Facts regarding drug use in the city include:

  • Suffolk had a total of 27 fatal drug overdoses from 2014 to 2016.
  • Between 2014 and 2016, Suffolk had a total of 16 overdose fatalities involving heroin or fentanyl, and 12 overdose fatalities involving prescription opioids.
  • In 2017, Suffolk had six deaths involving fentanyl and heroin, and a total of three deaths involving prescription opioids.
  • Suffolk had a rate of 75.3 opioid prescriptions per 100 individuals.
  • In 2017, there were ten drug-related fatalities in Suffolk.

Addiction Treatment Outside Of Suffolk, Virginia

Although Suffolk offers different kinds of treatment options for substance use disorders, residents who need rehab should consider checking other areas.

In some cases, a local option offers the most suitable treatment. However, other individuals find that a program at a facility in a different town, city, or state better serves their needs and situation.

To get assistance locating addiction treatment centers outside of Suffolk in Virginia or other states, reach out to and touch base with a treatment specialist.

amFAR -

County Health Rankings -

Virginia Department of Health -

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