Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers in Oklahoma
Oklahoma ranks number two in the nation when it comes to the prevalence of substance use disorders. The state of Oklahoma spent more than $37 million in 2017 to combat the surging disease, investing in quality drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Now, Oklahoma offers several rehabilitation programs to help set individuals on the path to recovery.
Oklahoma is home to effective addiction treatment facilities, drug and alcohol detox programs, aftercare options, and self-help groups. Find the top Oklahoma rehab centers and explore ways to stay informed on the best treatment options.
Oklahoma Substance Abuse Statistics
Oklahoma has seen its share of drug-related accidents, and children left without parents, due to overdoses during the opioid epidemic. Consider the following statistics:
- Oklahoma saw 444 opioid-related overdose fatalities in 2016. This amounts to 11.6 fatalities per 100,000 individuals (lower than the national average).
- For all substances combined, Oklahoma had 813 drug-related deaths in 2016.
- Of the 682 cases of Hepatitis C in 2015, 62.5 percent resulted from intravenous drug use.
Choosing The Right Rehab Program In Oklahoma
Addiction treatment facilities are often overseen by various organizations to ensure quality treatment. During the search for a rehab program in Oklahoma, it’s helpful to understand a few aspects of quality addiction treatment, including:
- Accreditation: When a facility meets certain standards of care, accreditations may be given out by the Joint Commission, CARF, or the state of Oklahoma itself. This means the program is effective, safe, and staffs qualified professionals.
- Evidenced-based Approaches: Evidenced-based approaches have been scientifically studied in addiction-specific research. These studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of certain treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy and 12-step facilitation.
- Length/Location: The average addiction treatment programs range from 30 to 90 days, with some lasting a year or longer. Length is often determined by an individual assessment. Travel plans might be needed if the best program is located out-of-state.
- Aftercare and Alumni Services: Aftercare options and alumni support includes support groups like AA, NA, or Celebrate Recovery. Sponsorship and outpatient services are often provided by the treatment facility or rehab program.
- Payment: Insurance companies often cover some or all of the cost of treatment. However, every plan is different. It’s good to talk to an insurance agent before committing to a program, so the person can determine coverage.
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Oklahoma Drug And Alcohol Rehab Services
When a person is seeking drug and alcohol treatment, it’s important to become familiar with some basic programs essential for quality care. Here are a few commonly used programs and services:
- Drug and Alcohol Detox Programs: Detox programs typically range from 24 to 72 hours or longer and provide medical supervision and management of withdrawal symptoms. Staff may provided medication to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms.
- Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT): Medication-assisted treatment, or MAT, is effective for reducing drug cravings and avoiding symptoms of withdrawal. MAT involves the use of FDA-approved medications with therapy or counseling.
- Behavioral Therapy: Two common types of behavioral therapy used in addiction treatment are cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), which work to promote healthy attitudes and behaviors.
- Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders (Dual Diagnosis): Many rehab programs offer treatment for both addiction and other mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, or trauma. Dual diagnosis programs address both conditions with an integrated approach, or multiple professionals like psychiatrists, doctors, and therapists.
Finding Addiction Treatment
Addiction is a treatable disease and the first step is admitting there’s a problem. Then, be prepared to seek out needed support, do research, and ask important questions. Travel is often necessary for finding the right program, as there are several quality programs located across the country.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Stats of the State of Oklahoma
National Institute on Drug Abuse - Oklahoma Opioid Summary
Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services - Statistic and Data
Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services - Mental Health and Substance Abuse Prevalence