5 Drug Rehab Centers Near Saint Louis, Michigan

Home to over 7,400 people, the town of St. Louis, Michigan is known as the “Middle of the Mitten” because of its location in the heart of the state. This city perfectly captures the feel of small-town America, but that does not protect it from substance abuse and addiction.

When residents are ready to receive help and care, they will find local treatment options available in nearby communities.

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Substance Abuse In St. Louis & Gratiot County

St. Louis and Gratiot County have lower rates of addiction than some of the surrounding communities. Here are some facts related to substance abuse in the county:

  • In 2016, two people in Gratiot County died due to drug-related overdose.
  • Both of those deaths were opioid overdoses.
  • In 2014, 2.7 percent of Gratiot County admitted to addiction problems.
  • Also in 2014, 4.74 percent of Gratiot County indicated they misused prescription painkillers.

How To Find Addiction Treatment

Finding the right treatment program is a key part of successful recovery, and the limited options around St. Louis, Michigan can make that challenging. Traveling for treatment can improve an individual’s chance of successful recovery. Sometimes, the right option even means leaving Michigan for qualified and readily available programs.

Listen to the advice of an addiction treatment specialist and find the right treatment program. To learn more, contact RehabCenter.net today.

amFAR - https://opioid.amfar.org/MI

MLive - https://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2018/08/look_up_the_number_of_drug_ove.html

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