Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers in Indiana
The state of Indiana takes an active role in helping to manage and prevent substance abuse in its residents. This includes ensuring that there are quality rehab facilities that rely on evidence-based methods for treatment. Fortunately, Indiana is home to several top-rated treatment facilities.
Indiana Substance Abuse Statistics
Like most states in the U.S., Indiana has been impacted by the rise in opioid addictions and overdoses, though the local rate is lower than the national rate. Alcohol is an ongoing problem in Indiana, especially among young people. Other commonly abused substances include cocaine and heroin. Consider these must-know addiction statistics for Indiana:
- Thirty-five percent of all admissions to substance abuse treatment centers are for alcohol dependency.
- In 2015, 32 percent of the new HIV cases were transmitted via injection drug use.
- Pain reliever misuse tops the list of prescription drug cases at 22.8 percent.
- In 2016, there were a total of 794 opioid overdose deaths in this state.
- In Indiana, 5.8 percent of high school seniors admit to misusing prescription drugs.
Choosing The Right Rehab Program In Indiana
The state of Indiana recognizes substance abuse as a chronic disorder and have strategies in place for prevention, treatment, and recovery. This includes creating care options for low-income families and promoting medication-assisted programs. When looking at a rehab program, there are specific criteria to consider, such as:
- Accreditation: The facility must be licensed by the state of Indiana. Some will also have third-party accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) and The Joint Commision.
- Evidence-Based Approaches: This means the facility bases its treatment programs on three components: clinical experience, best research evidence, and patient preferences. It is the gold standard for all care plans.
- Length/Location: Plans offer varying lengths of treatment options. For instance, inpatient rehab typically lasts from 30 to 120 or more days. Location is another essential consideration. Families may need to travel to find a facility best suited to their needs.
- Aftercare and Alumni Services: Aftercare and alumni services reduce the risk of relapse. Facilities partner with organizations like AA or NA to ensure someone with a substance use disorder has the resources and support necessary to stay healthy.
- Payment: Many insurance companies will pay for substance abuse treatment at least in part, but it’s important to check with your provider. Other considerations might include a health savings account, money in the bank, and a loan or a payment arrangement with the treatment facility.
Indiana Drug And Alcohol Rehab Services
It’s important to understand specific services when researching rehab treatments in Indiana, although they will vary from center to center. Possible services include:
- Drug and Alcohol Detox Programs: Detox is the period right after a person stops using a drug. The body withdraws and undergoes unpleasant and possibly dangerous side effects. Detox programs provide a supervised environment for withdrawal, and drug therapy, to manage the side effects.
- Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): MAT provides FDA-approved medication for those with an addiction to an opioid or alcohol. These medications are usually used along with therapy to promote participation in treatment.
- Behavioral Therapy: Behavioral therapy focuses on changing destructive behaviors like drug or alcohol use. It’s about understanding why a person might do these things and finding ways to overcome the behaviors for the future.
- Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders (Dual Diagnosis): Often someone with addiction also suffers from a mental health issue like depression, even if they’re not aware of it. A dual diagnosis approach allows for the treatment of both the addiction and the mental health problem at the same time to increase the chances of recovery.
Finding Addiction Treatment
Addiction treatment is a complicated decision that requires research and forethought. The state of Indiana offers a number of resources that can help. Families should be prepared to travel to the right facility if necessary and look carefully at what types of services might help the person who is suffering from addiction.
Indiana Family & Social Services Administration - Division of Mental Health & Addiction—Substance Abuse in Indiana
National Institute on Drug Abuse - Indiana Opioid Summary
State of Indiana - A Strategic Approach to Substance Abuse