Addiction and Treatment Statistics for California
Along with its reputation for sunshine and ocean waves, California is known for ongoing substance abuse and addiction problems. Fortunately, the state has several options for quality addiction treatment customized to the unique needs of each individual.
California Substance Abuse Statistics
California is a huge state with a massive population. Like most states in the nation, the population is affected by the growing opioid crisis and other substances of abuse. Here are some general substance abuse statistics from California:
- Approximately 11% of youth have admitted to using illegal drugs.
- More than two million residents have a chemical dependency to alcohol.
- Nearly one million citizens are addicted to illicit substances.
- Only about 9% of those dependent to alcohol and 12% of those struggling with drug-dependence actually enter treatment each year.
- There were more than 2,000 opioid overdose fatalities in California in 2016; nearly five deaths for every 100,000 persons per year.
Choosing The Right Rehab Program In California
There are several things to look for when choosing a rehab program. In addition to competent staff and effective interventions, it’s also good to consider the facility’s:
- Accreditation: Accreditation organizations ensure the treatment facility is operating with integrity and consistency. Organizations include the Joint Commission, the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Centers, and the state of California.
- Evidence-Based Approaches: Evidence-based methods are backed by scientific studies and research. For addiction treatment, these studies support the use of certain medications and therapies to address the chronic disease.
- Length/Location: The length of stay varies from traditional 30-day programs to 60-90-120-days, 12 months, or longer. In some cases, travel may be necessary to reach a quality rehab center that’s the right fit.
- Aftercare and Alumni Services: After a residential stay, it’s often best to “step-down” to a lower level of care, like outpatient therapy or support groups. Following treatment, some rehab centers in California provide professional and community support during the early stages of recovery.
- Payment: Insurance may cover some or all of a person’s treatment. Contact the insurance company to determine coverage. Private pay, crowdsourcing, and scholarships/grants are other ways to pay for rehab programs.
California Drug And Alcohol Rehab Services
The element that sets California apart from many other treatment locations is the serene ocean-front that support the healing process. On top of that, rehab facilities may provide essential components of effective treatment, including:
- Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Medication-assisted treatment, or MAT, is the use of medications to reduce drug cravings and lessen dependence for addictions to alcohol or opioids. MAT is typically used alongside behavioral therapy.
- Behavioral Therapy: These therapies teach coping strategies for relapse triggers and work to develop healthy habits. Effective therapies for addiction include motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
- Drug and Alcohol Detox Programs: Detox programs provide a safe environment for the difficult process of withdrawal. Medical supervision during detox and withdrawal is often the first stage of treatment within several quality California rehab programs.
- Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders (Dual Diagnosis): A co-occurring disorder is when a person is struggling with both addiction and another diagnosis, such as depression or bipolar disorder. Treatment for co-occurring disorders uses various qualified staff members to address both conditions.
Finding Addiction Treatment
Addiction is a powerful, chronic, and progressive illness. The confusion surrounding the disease can make everything feel overwhelming, including reaching out for help. Learning about addiction treatment is an important part of the process, and understanding travel may be required acknowledges the commitment it takes to get better.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—Drug Overdose Death Data -
National Institute on Drug Abuse—California Opioid Summary -
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration—Behavioral Health Barometer California, 2015 -