Mixing Halcion (Triazolam) And Alcohol: Effects, Dangers, And Addiction Treatment Options

Medically reviewed by
Isaac Alexis, M.D., AAMA, AMP-BCMay 15, 2019
Halcion is a prescription benzodiazepine used to treat symptoms of insomnia. Mixing this drug with alcohol can have dangerous consequences. These include sedation and overdose.
Halcion is the brand name for the prescription medication triazolam. This drug is a benzodiazepine and is used to treat symptoms of insomnia. It may also be used in the treatment of mood disorders like anxiety.
Like other benzodiazepine medications, Halcion is classified as a Schedule IV drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). As such, this drug comes with a potential for abuse and addiction. Halcion is typically only prescribed for short-term use due to its abuse potential.
Triazolam is a very short-acting benzodiazepine and its effects are felt for a brief period of time. Most people will no longer feel the effects of Halcion after two hours of taking the drug.
Halcion works like other benzodiazepines as a central nervous system depressant. This drug calms brain activity to elicit feelings of relaxation and sedation. By doing so, anxiety is reduced and individuals are better able to fall asleep or deal with anxious feelings.
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Taking Halcion with other drugs like alcohol can be extremely dangerous. This is especially true when a person is abusing Halcion. Even when taking triazolam as prescribed, mixing it with alcohol can still put people at risk for a number of side effects and dangers.
Effects Of Mixing Halcion With Alcohol
Mixing Halcion with alcohol can have effects that range from mild to dangerous. Both alcohol and triazolam are central nervous system depressants. This means that using these two substances together can greatly increase levels of intoxication.
Other side effects of mixing these two drugs include:
- blackouts
- slurred speech
- lack of coordination
- confusion
- disorientation
- trouble walking or standing
- slowed breathing
- decreased heart rate
- drowsiness
- sleepiness
- depression
The more alcohol and Halcion a person ingests, the more likely he or she is to experience these negative side effects.
Dangers Of Mixing Halcion With Alcohol
In addition to the above-mentioned side effects, mixing triazolam and alcohol can come with additional dangers.
Because both alcohol and Halcion work by slowing down the central nervous system, consuming these drugs can result in lowered bodily functions. For example, someone’s heart rate and breathing can decrease dangerously. When this happens, air can be cut off from the brain. This can lead to coma or even death.
What’s more, a person can experience psychosis or seizures when mixing Halcion and alcohol. Other psychological conditions may be experienced as well, including depression and anxiety.
Combining Halcion with alcohol can also put people at an increased risk of overdose. This is because alcohol accentuates the side effects of triazolam and vise versa. Alcohol can also increase the levels of Halcion in the body.
Overdose on these drugs can be dangerous or even deadly. Signs of a Halcion overdose include confusion, loss of consciousness, and seizures.
Treatment For Halcion And Alcohol Addiction
If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to Halcion and/or alcohol, seeking help is the best thing you can do to reclaim your life. There are a number of treatment options available when it comes to overcoming a substance or alcohol addiction.
Depending on the level of physical dependence a person has on either substance, he or she may need to complete a detox program before entering treatment. Medically supervised detox treatments provide a supportive and safe environment in which to withdraw the body from drugs and alcohol.
Inpatient treatment is often seen as the most successful approach to addressing an addiction to Halcion and/or alcohol. Inpatient programs are intensive and require patients to stay at a treatment facility for several weeks or months.
To learn more about the risks and dangers of mixing Halcion with alcohol, contact a treatment specialist today.
Article SourcesWebMD - Ethyl Alcohol/Benzodiazepines Interactions
Everyday Health - What Is Triazolam (Halcion)?
MedlinePlus - Triazolam