Yaba Addiction And The Best Rehab Centers For Treatment

Medically reviewed by
Isaac Alexis, M.D., AAMA, AMP-BCFebruary 1, 2019
Yaba is a highly-addictive stimulant made from the combination of meth and a high concentration of caffeine. Although yaba’s origins date back to the early 1900s, its current forms have grown in popularity with younger drug users. Learning more about this powerful drug and treatment for yaba addiction can help individuals get the guidance they need to overcome addiction.
Yaba Overview
Yaba is inexpensive to produce and most often comes from Asian countries. The tablets are brightly colored and come in vanilla, grape and orange flavors. Although it’s usually taken orally, users can also heat the tablet in an aluminum foil piece and inhale the vapors, crush and snort, or mix the crushed powder with liquid for injection.
The primary use of yaba in the US emerged in Asian communities, however, the drug is now commonly used at rave and techno parties. The colors, flavors and cheap prices of the drug make it appealing to young users between the ages of 18 to 25. Yaba is illegal and abusing it can lead to severe physical and psychological dependence.
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Effects of Yaba Addiction
The serious risks faced by methamphetamine users are also seen in those who abuse yaba. Ranging from mild to severe, the mental, physical and behavioral effects of this drug can be dangerous and potentially life-threatening.
Mental Effects
- Euphoric feelings
- Uncharacteristic irritability
- An increased sense of alertness
- Periods of extreme wakefulness
- Increased hallucinatory experiences
- Episodes of psychotic behavior
- Paranoia
- Feelings of anxiety, agitation and nervousness
- Suffers from memory loss
- Periods of mental confusion
- Schizophrenic-like psychosis, including paranoid behavior, auditory and visual hallucinations, self-absorption and picking at skin.
Physical Effects
- Difficulty sleeping for long periods of time
- Decreased appetite that’s aggravated by frequent nausea
- Cotton mouth and excessive sweating
- Hot flashes
- High blood pressure
- Accelerated breathing and heart rate
- Increase in body temperature
- Tremors
- Convulsions
- Increased risk of blood-borne illnesses, such as HIV and hepatitis B or C, for those who inject yaba
- Damage to small blood vessels located in the brain, leading to increased risk of stroke
- Inflammation of the heart lining
Behavioral Effects
- Uncharacteristically aggressive behavior
- Sharp increase in physical activity
- Psychotic behavior from someone who used to behave normally
- Responds or reacts in a violent manner
- Crazy behavior, as indicated by the Thai meaning for the name
Components for Successful Treatment of Yaba Addiction
Medically Supervised Detoxification – Withdrawing alone from yaba can have dangerous consequences for the individual and anyone around him or her. We understand that having professional, medical assistance throughout the detoxification period is safer and more effective for the user. Detox from meth-related drugs can last up to two weeks, depending on the severity of the drug addiction, the individual’s specific health needs and the type of treatment program entered.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – We know that understanding the nature of yaba addiction and what leads to its occurrence can be confusing and complicated. During treatment, the individual learns about the specific behaviors, conditions, situations and triggers that contributed toward the abuse of yaba. Gaining awareness and learning new behaviors is critical to finding a healthier approach to stressors and life in general, that doesn’t include substance abuse.
Counseling – Various types of group counseling are beneficial to those in treatment for yaba addiction. Depending on the treatment center involved, most people will have regular one on one counseling sessions and group counseling sessions with their peers. Family counseling often becomes part of the treatment after the individual has begun making progress in individual counseling and feels ready to deal with family issues.
Aftercare – A great deal of support is necessary for the person transitioning from rehab treatment for yaba addiction back to their normal life. Our staff works with families and individuals wanting to find continued support for recovery.
Get Help Today
Our helpful staff members are waiting to help people or parents of those suffering from yaba addiction to find the treatment they need. We offer a vast resource of information regarding yaba addiction and access to high-quality treatment centers worldwide. We’ll help individuals devastated by this dangerous drug regain hope and health through recovery. Contact us today to begin a treatment program that can effectively and compassionately help a loved one recover from yaba addiction.