Alcohol And Drug Rehabs That Accept Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente insurance plans offer partial or full coverage for some addiction treatment costs. Understanding which treatment services your Kaiser Permanente insurance will cover may be helpful before entering a rehab program.

Kaiser Permanente offers several insurance plans that provide varying amounts of coverage for alcohol and drug rehab services. Using Kaiser Permanente insurance can reduce your costs and make it easier to find affordable treatment to serve your recovery.

Does Kaiser Permanente Cover Alcohol And Drug Rehab?

Kaiser Permanente offers various health insurance plans that can reduce or eliminate costs for addiction treatment services. This includes inpatient detox, residential treatment, and outpatient treatment services.

The main types of health plans offered by Kaiser Permanente include individual or family plans through private insurance, employer plans, and Medicare plans. The types of plans available to you also depend on where you live in the United States.

Kaiser Permanente insurance is not available in all states. Coverage from Kaiser Permanente is currently offered in:

  • California (North and South regions)
  • Colorado
  • Oregon
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Maryland (including the District of Columbia)
  • Virginia
  • Washington

Under the 2008 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, most health plans are required to provide the same amount of coverage for substance abuse as they do for medical and surgical procedures.

The amount of coverage you have for substance abuse treatment will vary from state to state and depend on the type of plan you have.

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Substance Abuse Treatment Services Covered By Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente offers coverage for many treatment services involved in drug and alcohol rehab. This includes:

  • drug/alcohol abuse screenings
  • emergency care services
  • detox
  • inpatient and residential treatment
  • outpatient treatment services

This coverage may not eliminate all treatment costs. You may still have to meet certain premiums and deductibles, or be responsible for a copay. The amount your plan covers will depend on the type of plan you have.

Inpatient Treatment

Not all rehab centers accept Kaiser Permanente as an insurer for their services. To use your insurance for an inpatient or residential treatment program, you’ll need to ensure the rehab center you choose accepts Kaiser Permanente insurance.

Inpatient rehab is an intensive level of live-in treatment that offers 24/7 supervision and care. Programs typically last 30 to 90 days, or longer if necessary. Inpatient centers that accept your insurance may be eligible for partial or full coverage depending on the details of your plan.

Many programs offer counseling, group therapy, and medication-assisted treatment. Treatment services like discharge planning and aftercare support may also be covered by your Kaiser Permanente plan.

To find a rehab center that accepts your Kaiser Permanente health insurance, you may wish to contact a treatment specialist. Depending on where you live in the United States, you may have to travel out-of-state for an eligible inpatient or residential treatment program.

Outpatient Treatment

Paying for outpatient services out-of-pocket can be expensive. Without insurance, regular appointments with counselors and doctors can become unaffordable for many people.

When working with eligible providers, Kaiser Permanente health plans can reduce costs for beneficial outpatient services.

Outpatient treatment services that may be eligible for Kaiser Permanente coverage include:

  • individual and group counseling
  • prescription medications
  • day-treatment programs, or partial hospitalization (PHP)
  • intensive outpatient programs (IOP)
  • medical services for withdrawal symptoms

You may also be able to use your Kaiser Permanente insurance to pay for transitional treatment like sober living or halfway houses. This type of treatment is recommended for people without a stable or supportive home environment.

Day-treatment and IOP programs may also be offered onsite at some rehab centers. These programs involve spending several hours a day, up to 5 days a week at a facility. During this time, patients may participate in individual counseling, support groups, and more.

Your plan may also cover outpatient medical and counseling services with individual providers. The level of support needed after completing an inpatient program can vary from person to person. Your treatment team can develop an aftercare plan for you based on your needs.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is one of the most effective treatment methods for alcohol and opioid use disorders.

Referred to as a “whole-patient approach,” MAT combines the use of behavioral therapy and medications to treat drug cravings and other withdrawal symptoms. Participating in MAT can reduce the risk for relapse and can ease discomfort in early recovery.

Guidelines for medication coverage under Kaiser Permanente may vary depending on your plan. In an inpatient setting, your plan may require that your medications be given by a medical specialist. Medications prescribed on an outpatient basis may require a copay.

Speaking with a Kaiser Permanente representative can provide you with an understanding of your financial responsibility for prescription medications.

Using Kaiser Permanente For Addiction Treatment Coverage

Creating a payment plan for addiction treatment requires careful thought. There are several factors you may wish to consider if you want to use your Kaiser Permanente plan to cover addiction treatment.

Speaking with a treatment specialist and a Kaiser Permanente representative can help you find eligible treatment options to meet your needs. Depending on your location, you may have to travel some distance or even out-of-state for a rehab that accepts your plan.

You may also need to visit your primary care provider (PCP) before entering treatment to gather necessary paperwork and undergo a clinical assessment. This can serve as evidence for needing treatment, and this information is often required by insurance providers.

Talking to insurance and treatment specialists can be a helpful way to ensure you complete all the necessary steps to secure coverage before entering treatment. Discussing these factors with professionals can give you better peace of mind and ease some stress throughout the process.

Questions Before Using Kaiser Permanente To Pay For Rehab

Having questions about insurance coverage is common. Speaking to a treatment specialist, as well as a Kaiser Permanente representative, can provide you with a better understanding of what costs your insurance will cover.

Questions to ask when using your Kaiser Permanente plan to pay for rehab may include:

  • What copays, premiums, or deductibles am I responsible for – if any?
  • How much of an inpatient/residential stay will my insurance plan cover?
  • Is there an upfront copay required upon admission to an inpatient rehab center based on my plan’s coverage?
  • Does my plan cover medication-assisted treatment?
  • Is my eligibility for addiction treatment coverage dependent upon medical necessity?
  • What paperwork do I need to send to my insurance provider before entering a rehab program?
  • Will my insurer be willing to work with me to find covered outpatient services as part of my or a loved one’s aftercare?

How To Find A Rehab Center That Accepts Your Insurance

Finding affordable addiction treatment can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be.

If you’re ready to take the next step, we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn if our treatment centers accept your insurance.

Kaiser Permanente - Fast Facts

Kaiser Permanente - 2019 Kaiser Permanente - Platinum 90 HMO

National Institute on Drug Abuse - Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research Based Guide (Third Edition)

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