How To Convince Someone To Go To Rehab

Medically reviewed by
David Hunter, MA.Ed, LPCJune 29, 2021
One of the hardest things to watch is a loved one stumbling down the road of addiction. It is important to recognize the signs of addiction and know how to help them get into treatment. Here are some ways to help get your loved one the help that they need.
Talk With Them One-On-One
The first step to getting your loved one on the right path is making sure you take the time to sit down with them and lay everything on the line. Time and place is everything. Make sure you pick a moment when both of you have open schedules so that there is no need to rush. Pick a comfortable and private place to engage.
A familiar and cozy place will help both of you relax and ease into the conversation, and make sure to do it where you will not be interrupted or overheard. Finally, make sure your loved one is in their right state of mind. If they are intoxicated or high, they will not be able to fully focus and understand the importance of this intervention. Once the setting is right, it’s time to launch into the meat of the heart-to-heart.
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Be Upfront and Honest
You are about to launch into one of the most important conversations of your life and your loved ones, so you better be prepared and know what to say. Even if they may not seem receptive, it’s still important to make sure you cover the bases because they will absorb at least some of it.
The first thing you have to make them understand is that you will no longer tolerate their addiction. This means drawing a line at making excuses for their behavior or condoning their abuse by purchasing their drugs or alcohol for them. It means drawing a line in the sand and making sure that they understand that you are disapproving of their actions.
Following the bad cop routine, it’s now time for the good cop to come out. Tell them how much you love and care for them, and that’s why you are doing this act of tough love. If they didn’t matter that much to you, then you wouldn’t be wasting your time trying to convince them to get help for their problem.
Explain to them the consequences of their actions. If they have lost a job, dropped out of school, ruined friendships, or a number of other detrimental things due to their drug problem, then make sure they understand the correlation. They may be facing financial strain due to their substance expenditures, or they may not be able to take care of their child under their current state, or they may be in the process of destroying a marriage. Whatever the horrible reality, make sure they come to terms with the fact that their habit is not only affecting themselves but all those that they care about as well.
Depending on their reaction, be open to continue the conversation or be willing to walk away and cool down if things get heated. Do not rise to the bait of any pointed fingers, lies, or excuses.
Try A Group Approach
If a one-on-one approach has a limited effect on the addict, then it may be time to bring out the big guns. By gathering a select group of people who know the addict best, you can form a small intervention group. When the user sees all of the people they care about in the same room, making the same confrontation, it may cause them to reconsider their actions. Friends and family can take turns discussing the problem and giving their supportive, yet firm opinion that the person in question needs help.
It may also be beneficial to consider bringing in a pastor or priest in to talk with them if the addict is religious, or a psychologist or counselor is another wise idea, as they will know the ins and outs of the steps of rehabilitation. However, don’t be afraid to do the research yourself. Find rehab centers that are near your area and offer services that would benefit your loved one. Don’t be shy to share this information. Before your talk ends, reiterate everything above, and make sure they know that you will be there to support them every step of the way.
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If you have a loved one who is in the throes of addiction, contact today. We can help you sort through the numerous treatment facilities in your area to find the perfect one.