Gasoline Addiction And The Best Rehab Centers For Treatment

Medically reviewed by
John Schaffer, LPCCFebruary 15, 2019
Many individuals who feel the need to get high despite their lack of resources may resort to sniffing markers, glue, household cleaners, or other household chemicals. One of the most popular choices of inhalants, however, is gasoline.
When it comes to addiction, not all dangerous substances are illegal and not all of them are even drugs. In reality, there has been a rising popularity in huffing the fumes of everyday products to get high. Because they are easily accessible and relatively inexpensive these are often popular among teenagers and the socioeconomically disadvantaged.
Getting High On Gasoline
Gasoline is a product of refined oil that contains over 500 different chemicals– including methanol, ethylene glycol, and ethanol– all of which are extremely harmful to the human body. Some of the most common ways people huff gasoline are directly smelling the fumes from a gas can; inhaling the fumes from a bag, and huffing a gas soaked rag placed over the mouth and nose. It only takes seconds for the peak of the high to hit, and it’s over in a few minutes.
Short-Term Effects Of Huffing Gas
Many adolescents abuse gasoline for mild hallucinations, and euphoria. Some huff gas to escape everyday problems, and stress. Unfortunately, huffing gas can result in unpleasant, and dangerous side effects such as:
- burns
- vomiting
- muscle Weakness
- drowsiness
- hallucinations
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Long-Term Effects Of Huffing Gas
Sudden Sniffing Death is the most dangerous risk associated with gasoline. This is caused when the user is sniffing or huffing and adrenaline kicks in, causing cardiac arrest. There are also many other dangerous and life-threatening risks associated with using gasoline to get high.
Long-term effects of huffing gas include:
- kidney damage
- liver damage
- bone marrow damage
- brain cell death
- cancer
Gasoline Addiction Treatment
Just because gasoline isn’t a run-of-the-mill addiction, it does not mean there aren’t specific rehab centers for it. Doctors and psychologists will still recommend inpatient or outpatient rehab treatment, which includes both detoxification and therapy.
Those who are going through withdrawal will suffer through mood swings, mental fogginess, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Many will suggest that this is why is it beneficial to choose an inpatient program, where the addict can be monitored at all times and have access to 24/7 counseling. Patients will undergo both individual and group therapy that will help them to develop life skills to avoid relapse and temptation.
If you or a loved one find yourself addicted to sniffing gasoline, contact us today at