Maine Drug Detox Centers

A majority of overdose deaths in Maine are due to individuals abusing prescription medications. Fortunately, Maine offers a variety of detox centers to help individuals get all harmful substances out of their bodies and onto the path to a healthy recovery.

While Maine has the 14th lowest drug overdose rate in the United States, the state’s number of overdose deaths still increased by 96% in the last decade. Nationally, overdose rates have doubled in 29 states. The majority of these overdose deaths, both in Maine and across the United States, are due to prescription drugs, according to a new report from the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH).

Prescription drug abuse is a nationwide epidemic; in fact, prescription drug overdoses now kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine overdoses combined. Drug overdose deaths exceed the motor vehicle deaths caused by accidents in 29 states and the District of Columbia. Unfortunately, only one in 10 Americans with a substance abuse disorder receives treatment.

Maine is taking several important steps to reduce prescription drug abuse. The state has an active Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) and Doctor Shopping Laws that prohibit patients from withholding information about prior prescriptions from their healthcare provider. The state’s physical exam requirement mandates that healthcare providers physically examine patients or have a bona fide patient-physician relationship before prescribing a controlled substance.

Maine’s ID requirement law also requires a pharmacist to require an ID prior to dispensing a controlled substance. Finally, Maine’s lock-in program under the state’s Medicaid plan where individuals suspected of misusing controlled substances must use a single prescriber and pharmacy.

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