Cocaine Abuse Hotlines – 100% Confidential – 24/7

Medically reviewed by
Jennifer Cousineau MSCP, LPCI, NCCMarch 29, 2019
Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant that is widely abused throughout the United States. Cocaine abuse hotlines are helpful resources that can provide information about cocaine abuse and addiction treatment.
An estimated 1.5 million Americans reported abusing the drug in the past month, according to a 2015 Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) report. The majority of people who abuse cocaine smoke a form called crack cocaine and are likely to abuse other substances as well. This further increases the need for these individuals to obtain formal addiction treatment.
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What Is A Cocaine Abuse Hotline?
Cocaine abuse hotlines are generally toll-free numbers that connect addicted individuals or their concerned loved ones with the information they seek. Typically, drug abuse hotlines can provide information about drug addiction and treatment options.
Cocaine-specific lines dedicate their resources to helping individuals who struggle with cocaine abuse. It is not necessary that the person calling be the one with the drug problem. Cocaine abuse helplines can also be very helpful to family members or others concerned about someone they care about.
How Can A Cocaine Abuse Hotline Help?
Hotlines dedicated to cocaine abuse can help loved ones or individuals themselves identify if they have a cocaine use disorder, and what should happen next. Cocaine abuse hotlines are 100 percent confidential and free. They are there to help. The way they help is in large part due to their referral services.
Information cocaine abuse hotlines can provide includes:
- information about cocaine abuse and addiction and what it does to the body
- signs of what to look for if a loved one is suspected of cocaine abuse
- professional addiction treatment options (inpatient or outpatient programs)
- finding a rehab center that best fits the individual’s needs
- additional information on therapies used for cocaine abuse and addiction
When someone calls a cocaine abuse hotline, he or she can ask whatever questions he or she may have about the drug and identifying its abuse. Toward the end of the call, people are often transferred to state-specific or local addiction treatment facilities that can help them overcome their cocaine addiction.
Cocaine Abuse Helpline: Should I Call?
When someone is trapped in the ugly cycle of cocaine addiction, it can make them resistant to seeking help. Many people who struggle with substance abuse, especially to highly abusive drugs like cocaine, have a false sense of control over their drug use.
Cocaine is a short-acting substance. Depending on how the drug is taken (snorted or smoked) its effects can last for five to 30 minutes, with some residual effects lasting up to two hours. If an individual exhibits one or all of the following signs and symptoms, it is likely they are abusing cocaine.
Signs of cocaine abuse and addiction:
- dilated pupils
- fever
- increased heart rate and blood pressure
- increased energy and alertness (hyperstimulation)
- euphoric mood
- decreased appetite
- impotence
- restlessness and insomnia
- irritability, anxiety, and paranoia
Because cocaine is so addictive, many people abuse it in a binge fashion, where they take back-to-back doses of cocaine without a break. Once started, this behavior can be difficult to stop because it will result in the onset of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.
What To Do When You’re Too Scared To Call
People who abuse cocaine may find it challenging to ask for help. Many people who abuse drugs do so to deal with tough emotional traumas that they feel they can’t face. This can cause them to feel ashamed of their drug abuse.
However, it is essential to know that the individuals on the other end of the line are there to help, not to judge or berate you for your behavior. When someone calls a hotline, he or she will speak with an advisor or trained volunteer, who have gone through extensive training to be able to help addicted individuals and his or her family.
Questions To Consider Asking When Calling
In many cases, individuals suffering from cocaine abuse and addiction can feel overwhelmed, which can make it hard to know what to ask about what comes next.
Here are some questions to consider when calling a cocaine abuse hotline:
- What types of therapy work best for cocaine abuse?
- What should my next steps be?
- What happens once I enroll in rehab?
- Does my health insurance cover cocaine addiction treatment?
- How can I find out if my insurance will cover treatment?
- Is it necessary for me to enroll in a cocaine detox program?
- Are there medications for cocaine abuse and addiction?
- Is there a cocaine-specific recovery program near me?
Cocaine Abuse Hotline: What To Expect When You Call
When calling a cocaine abuse helpline, they will usually start by asking for your first name and the reason for your call. If you are looking for treatment, they may eventually ask for your zip code, to recommend local treatment options that are relevant to you.
It is not necessary for someone to have health insurance before calling a cocaine abuse helpline. However, if you are looking for cocaine addiction treatment options, it can be helpful to have any insurance information at the ready.
For individuals who do not have insurance or are underinsured, hotline staff will direct you to state-funded resources in your area. If you are not interested in state-funded treatment options, some hotlines may be able to refer you to treatment facilities that work on an income-based payment plan or sliding scale fees.
National Cocaine Abuse Hotlines
There are several different national hotlines. Many of them serve their own purpose and are likely to specialize in a specific substance, like cocaine, or harmful behavior, like suicide.
Beating cocaine addiction is possible. Take the first step towards recovery with a phone call today.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
1-800-662-HELP (4357)
1-800-487-4889 (TDD) for the hearing impaired
- free and confidential service 24/7, 365-days-a-year
- treatment referral and information services, in English and Spanish,) on an individual basis and to families who are affected by substance use disorders and mental health issues
- referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations Individuals who call this service can also order free publications and other information
The Partnership at
- a toll-free drug abuse helpline for parents
- free information and resources on teen drug use and addiction for parents, which can help them prevent and intervene in their children’s drug use
- find local addiction treatment options for a child who needs it
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc. (NCADD)
1 (800) NCA-CALL (622-2255)
- toll-free alcohol-specific abuse information
- referrals to many affiliate programs around the country that can help with substance abuse issues
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- In addition to providing suicide prevention services, this hotline also offers free information on drug and alcohol abuse, and how to connect with nearby professional addiction treatment.
Additional Resources
The National Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health America
These two nonprofit organizations have partnered to provide self-help support groups for individuals and families dealing with a variety of mental health disorders. Both organizations offer State and local affiliates throughout the country that may be especially helpful for people with co-occurring substance and mental health disorders.
Faces & Voices of Recovery
This is an advocacy organization for people who are participating in long-term recovery that works to reach out to medical, public health, criminal justice, and other communities to promote and celebrate recovery from substance abuse and addiction.
Article SourcesNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) - Cocaine
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research-Based Guide (Third Edition) - Where can family members go for information on treatment options?
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - National Helpline