Different Types Of Counseling For Addiction Treatment And Recovery
The reasons a person seeks help for an addiction vary. Background, social habits, and genetics all play a part, and for this reason, there is no one-size-fits-all type of counseling used for addiction treatment or recovery. There are several, however, that have proven helpful to many people, among them cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, and twelve-step programs.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of treatment that focuses on examining the relationships between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The addict works with a problem-focused, goal-oriented mental health counselor in a structured way for a limited number of sessions, often 14-16 weeks. It’s the “Why do I do this?” part of the addiction puzzle. It can help identify negative thinking so you view challenging situations more clearly.
Imagine you’re climbing a mountain. You come to a point where the path is getting overgrown. You want to keep going but don’t quite know if you should. You think the path goes to the left, but you can’t see it, and so you feel uncertain and a bit frightened. After all, you don’t want to be lost on a mountain. You act by clearly marking the trail where you are, then walking to the left for five minutes. If you find the trail becomes clear, you will continue. If not, you will turn around. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps you take apart your thoughts, feelings, and reactions so you can better deal with them.
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Group Therapy
Group therapy, true to its name, involves more than one person. Groups can be single gender or mixed, and often consist of eight to ten people. This type of therapy is helpful because so many backgrounds are covered. It can be easier to understand why you act a certain way if others are acting in a similar manner. Hearing that someone else was tempted to back to former ways and managed not to backslide may help you conquer your own demons. Oftentimes single-gender groups are helpful if members are concerned about sexual issues, but mixed-gender groups can broaden the perspective.
Here, you are on the mountain and the path gets overgrown, but when you turn to the left you find someone who encourages you to keep walking. Every few feet there is a different person, all of you helping each other along until you all conquer the mountain.
Twelve-Step Programs
Twelve-step programs started in the 1930s by Alcoholics Anonymous, which are the most well-known type of addiction therapy, and many people worldwide have been helped by their guideline-specific methods. These programs are popular because they are widely available, the members help each other, and they are often free. Organizations that use this way of counseling have a set of steps that are adhered to by every member. The steps vary in terms of spirituality and some focus on moderation rather than abstinence, but all emphasize personal accountability.
With a twelve-step program, the mountain is divided. You proceed one significant step at a time until at last, you reach the top. On every step, you see someone ahead of you, encouraging you to keep coming up the mountain.
Get Help Today
Perhaps you have a preference for one type of therapy over another. Maybe you don’t. Either way is fine! The important thing is to keep trying. At RehabCenter.net, we have advisors who can help you take the first step in conquering your addiction. Contact us today, and take your first step towards the top of that mountain.