Michigan Court Ordered Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers

Studies have found a clear link between substance abuse and criminal activity. In order to combat this growing problem, the state of Michigan offers many court-ordered treatment programs for individuals who have been caught participating in drug-related crimes.

The best thing for anyone who is addicted to drugs and alcohol is to admit that they have a problem, and enter into a qualified recovery center that will help them achieve sobriety. However, not everyone recognizes or admits that they have a problem. In the state of Michigan, 807,000 people reported in 2007 that they abused drugs and alcohol, but only a small percentage of that population received the treatment that they required at a recovery center.

Excessive drug and alcohol use can lead people to make poor decisions, and people who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol are more likely to commit crimes. From 2002 to 2008 in the United States, 55 percent of men over the age of 18 who were arrested once reported that they had participated in binge drinking during the last 30 days. Of those who were arrested twice or more, about 48 percent had participated in a binge drinking event during the last 30 days.

Alcohol and drug use, abuse and dependence definitely increases the risk of criminal activity. Those who are arrested and are determined to be addicted or dependent on drugs and alcohol may be required to enter a court-ordered treatment program in Michigan.

What is Court-Ordered Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment?

Court-ordered alcohol and substance abuse treatment is an option for those who are arrested and have been charged with a non-violent crime that is related to their drug and alcohol use. In many cases, the person arrested can work with their legal team in order to enter this type of treatment program versus spending time in jail for the crime that was committed.

The way that treatment is ordered by the court will vary based on the jurisdiction. In some cases, the court-ordered treatment is mandated in the sentence that is ruled by the judge. In other cases, lawyers may work with the prosecutors in order to arrange a deal. Also, some people may have to appear in a drug court rather than a conventional court in order to receive their treatment order.

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The Benefits of Court-Ordered Treatment Programs

While many experts previously believed that a person had to admit that they had a problem and choose to enter a recovery facility on their own in order to be successful, research is proving that court-ordered addiction treatment is very effective. These programs often force a person to take a step back from their lives and understand the role that alcohol and drugs are playing in their daily lives and the decisions that they make.

Given the fact that many recovery treatment programs focus not only on achieving sobriety but also on improving the entire person, people who are forced to enter court-ordered addiction recovery programs often find these programs to be very healing.

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