Archive: Addiction Treatment Types, Blog, Detox, Drug Addiction, FAQ, Mental Health, Recovery

What Is Existential Therapy?

September 14th, 2015

What Is An Existential Crisis? An existential crisis occurs when a person lacks understanding about their purpose in life or about the nature of reality. Often, this condition is triggered by a trauma, such as the death of a loved one, that causes an increased focus on death and its finality. A person suffering from […]

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What Kind Of Addiction Treatment Options Are There For College Students?

September 9th, 2015

The statistics surrounding college addiction are troubling: in 2013, 36 percent of college students used marijuana, 35 percent said they enjoyed binge drinking, and nearly 11 percent admitted to using stimulants. The actual rate of addiction among these students is harder to gauge since so many of them will go through college without ever admitting […]

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How To Get Someone Court-Ordered Rehab

September 4th, 2015

People who have committed a drug-related crime can often be court-ordered into rehabilitation. This option is commonly sought by people who wish to avoid serving time in jail or prison and is only possible with non-violent crimes. Using this technique requires getting them to plead guilty or make a deal with the prosecuting attorney. It […]

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Cat Friendly Rehab Centers

September 3rd, 2015

Furry Friends Allowed: Bringing Your Pet To Rehab The process of addiction treatment and rehabilitation is often perceived as a painstaking process involving harsh withdrawal from drugs and/or alcohol. However, finding a rehab facility that is trustworthy and provides comfort that meets the needs of a patient is actually not as difficult as it may […]

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Dog Friendly Rehab Centers

September 2nd, 2015

Dogs have been shown to offer people real physical, mental, and emotional health benefits. Many of these benefits are crucial if you’re suffering from addiction, as dogs can bring a sense of stability and love into your life when you feel like you lack both. Petting a dog is a physically stimulating activity that promotes […]

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Sober Grid: A New Social Network App For Individuals Battling Addiction

August 28th, 2015

What Exactly Is Sober Grid? Sober Grid is a FREE app that you can download today on your Google Android and/or Apple iOS device. It helps you stay sober no matter where you are in the world. The app also connects you to a social network of other sober individuals. It allows you to communicate […]

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Can I Go To Rehab If I Am Diabetic?

August 12th, 2015

The Ways Diabetes And Addiction Are Similar One fact that may surprise many is that diabetes and addiction are quite similar in the ways that they chemically impact the body. For example, people who suffer from drug addiction are reliant on their substance to generate production of the pleasure chemical dopamine. Intriguingly, diabetic insulin shots […]

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AA and NA: The Benefits of 12-Step Recovery Programs

August 7th, 2015

What Is A 12-Step Program? In the 1930s, a man commonly known as Bill W. was seeking help with his own alcohol dependency problem. Becoming a member of a fellowship helped him achieve and maintain his own sobriety. But another alcohol dependent known as Dr. Bob S. was not as successful. When the two men […]

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Do All Rehab Centers Provide Suboxone For Opiate Addiction?

August 3rd, 2015

Opiate addiction treatments like suboxone have been shown to be effective by multiple studies, but continuing controversies surround its use. Unfortunately, this results in a lack of uniform usage of suboxone in the nation’s various treatment centers. Read on to find out how this affects your opiate dependency treatment. What Is Suboxone? Suboxone is a […]

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Coping With Drug and Alcohol Cravings

July 28th, 2015

During recovery, cravings are normal, and every person struggling with their addiction should learn to address and stop the intense sensation before it leads to relapse. Identifying what triggers a craving, removing these triggers, and understanding what a craving can feel like for someone in recovery is key to helping you or a loved one […]

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Trading One Addiction For Another: Do Drug Rehab Centers Put Patients On Prescription Drugs?

July 27th, 2015

Drug Replacement Therapy People undergoing drug replacement therapy are prescribed a medication which simulates the substance from which they suffer dependency. It is prescribed by a doctor and can be distributed in two ways: inpatient or outpatient procedures. Inpatient drug replacement therapy requires staying at the facility while outpatient therapy lets the patient return home. […]

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Can I Have A Paleo Diet While In Drug Rehab?

July 24th, 2015

The paleo diet is one in a long line of fad diets that have captured the imagination of the country. Its supporters are posting wild lists of benefits across the internet that seem almost too good to be true. Is such a severe diet a good idea for you during the delicate and difficult drug […]

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