Archive: Addiction Treatment Types, Drug Addiction, Opioids, Overdose, Prescription Drugs, Recovery, Relapse
Buprenorphine: Suboxone And Subutex For Opiate Addiction Treatment
May 29th, 2015What is Buprenorphine? Buprenorphine is, by definition, a narcotic analgesic. It is an opioid medication used to treat opioid addiction, often by injection. In plain English, it’s a drug that can help an addicted person recover from other drugs. Like most drug-related issues, however, it’s not really as simple as that. Buprenorphine, known in tablet […]
Communicable Diseases From IV Drug Use
May 18th, 2015How Does This Happen? Injectable drugs such as heroin and cocaine are illegal. The main way a user gets them is by buying them from a drug dealer, but that dealer is not generally the first person to have contact with the drug. In fact, as one supplier sells to another, the drug is often […]
Relapse Prevention: The Importance Of Choosing Good Meetings And People Who Take Recovery Seriously
May 12th, 2015Being able to communicate with others who are also struggling with addiction is a valuable tool when working on recovery. A support system made up of others who have “been there” can make a person feel like they’re not alone in their efforts to overcome dependency on drugs and alcohol. Addiction is isolating and lonely […]
Zubsolv: A New Medication To Combat The Prescription Opiate And Heroin Epidemic
May 8th, 2015Zubsolv is the brand name for an addiction treatment medication that combines buprenorphine and naloxone. It is intended as a maintenance medication used to aid in recovering from opiate and heroin dependence. Similar to Suboxone and Methadone, it works by curbing the cravings for the drug and easing withdrawal symptoms. Unlike Methadone but similar to […]
The Danger Of Buying Drugs Over The Internet
April 28th, 2015A Rising Cause of Prescription Drug Abuse Online pharmacies developed in the early 2000’s with the spread of high-speed Internet access across the globe. During those same years, the United States saw a dramatic increase in prescription drug abuse. Several recent studies have indicated a strong correlation between the two. For instance, one team of […]
The Dangers Of Drugged Driving
April 23rd, 2015What Is Drugged Driving? We’ve heard of drunk driving. It’s understood that operating a vehicle when a person has consumed alcohol can be dangerous in many ways. But driving under the influence of drugs, while not as prevalent as with alcohol, is equally hazardous, not just to the driver but also to passengers, other drivers, […]
Veterans Abusing Drugs And Alcohol
April 17th, 2015Those who see combat tend to experience higher rates of depression, anxiety, and symptoms related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A recent report indicated that half of the men and women returning from service in Iraq and Afghanistan have sought treatment for mental health problems and chronic pain. Numbing The Pain Of Combat Substance abuse […]
Can I Bring My Medications To Rehab?
March 4th, 2015Though many fear having to give up medications used to treat medical conditions, in general, current medical prescriptions, as long as they are not being abused, are permitted. Of course, each drug rehab center is different, and some are more strict than others, but the following list of rules regarding medication in rehab typically apply. […]
Benefits of A Long-Term Addiction Treatment Program
January 13th, 2015Both the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a minimum of 90 days for the treatment of addiction to drugs and alcohol, as this period of time more accurately reflects the time required to overcome substance addiction. Long-term addiction treatment affords a more comprehensive approach to […]
How Drug Addiction Affects Serotonin And Dopamine
December 2nd, 2014Drug and alcohol addiction are not matters of choice; they’re a matter of process. Depending on the type of drug and dose and even the person’s genetic make-up, drugs can take hold abruptly, or gradually, without warning, rendering the individual powerless to stop the addiction. How drug addiction affects serotonin and dopamine levels in the […]
Lying Through Addiction: How To Tell When Someone Is On Drugs
October 29th, 2014Something to remember when considering whether or not someone you care about has a drug problem is that people whose minds are being affected by drugs often lie. Dishonesty is something you can usually count on experiencing when you’re attempting to help someone get into a treatment program or even when first asking them if […]
The Most Addictive Drugs
September 10th, 2014Dependence on drugs can begin very quickly after use, in some cases. In other cases, it may take longer, but the dependence could be much greater, meaning that withdrawal from the substance would be more difficult and even dangerous. Some drugs are to potentially dangerous to the user that using them just a few times […]