Archive: Blog, FAQ, intervention, Recovery
Common Reasons Addicted Individuals Refuse To Go To A Rehab Center
September 24th, 2015Anger. Fear. Confusion. Anxiety. Hopelessness. Embarrassment. Denial. Sadness. Shame. Guilt. If you have a drug or alcohol addiction, you might be feeling some or all of these emotions if someone has mentioned that you should attend a rehab facility. You may be feeling many mixed emotions, but you are not alone. Millions of Americans just […]
The Benefits Of Having A Recovery Coach When Leaving Treatment
April 21st, 2015Relapse is a painful process, but it is a process in many cases toward successful long-term recovery. A recovery coach can be invaluable to someone who wants to get free from addiction but may have struggled in the past with relapse. The benefits of having a recovery coach when leaving treatment include a higher rate […]
Veterans Abusing Drugs And Alcohol
April 17th, 2015Those who see combat tend to experience higher rates of depression, anxiety, and symptoms related to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A recent report indicated that half of the men and women returning from service in Iraq and Afghanistan have sought treatment for mental health problems and chronic pain. Numbing The Pain Of Combat Substance abuse […]
Baby Boomers Abusing Drugs More Than Teens
April 16th, 2015While much media attention is on youth using drugs and alcohol, the number of “baby boomers” addicted to drugs has skyrocketed at alarming levels. One report shows deaths in the 45 to 65 year age group rose 11 times over in the decades-spanning 1990 to 2010. Baby boomers, or children born post-World War II, were […]
The Impact Of Parental Drug And Alcohol Abuse On Children
April 15th, 2015When parents abuse drugs and alcohol, the likelihood of their children becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol more than quadruples. Within the United States, more than 20 million children reside in households where at least one parent abuses drugs or alcohol. These children are more likely to suffer from emotional and physical trauma, likely to […]
The Relationship Between Substance Abuse And Social Media Addiction
March 12th, 2015Oh, the shivery satisfaction of those Facebook notifications! I can recall getting my first iPhone a number of years back and quickly discovering how delightfully fulfilling it was to feel at the center of my own universe via this small command central. Okay, that’s my ego talking. (And wow, did it talk a lot in […]
Drug Addiction: Understanding Harm Reduction
March 11th, 2015What Is The Harm Reduction Model? The Harm Reduction Model addresses some of these issues directly, and others indirectly in its underlying call for a non-judgmental and humane approach to working with people who suffer from drug addiction. The Harm Reduction Model applies a series of principles toward creating better policies and improving the treatment […]
The Dangers Of Two People In Recovery Starting A Relationship
January 7th, 2015It’s natural to want to share your recovery with someone else. You’re making positive strides, you’re experiencing a life outside of your addiction for the first time in months or years. It feels like a time to celebrate, but there are many threats to sobriety when two people in recovery begin a relationship. Knowing the […]
Lying Through Addiction: How To Tell When Someone Is On Drugs
October 29th, 2014Something to remember when considering whether or not someone you care about has a drug problem is that people whose minds are being affected by drugs often lie. Dishonesty is something you can usually count on experiencing when you’re attempting to help someone get into a treatment program or even when first asking them if […]
How To Help A Friend Or Loved One Who Is In Treatment
October 27th, 2014During the course of drug and alcohol rehabilitation, many struggling with addiction will need certain changes in their lives to help support the decision they made to become and stay sober. As a friend, support in a variety of ways is the best form of help to give someone while they take the long and […]
How To Do A Drug Intervention Successfully
October 17th, 2014Often there comes a time when a drug-addicted loved one is reluctant to seek treatment. Perhaps they are beyond the point of making sound decisions for themselves, else they remain in a state of denial about their disease, regardless of the effect it has on their life. In these times, being that we are concerned […]
Can I Become Addicted To Viagra Or Cialis?
October 6th, 2014In recent years drugs that help in sexual performance have become increasingly popular. Male enhancement drugs and those that simply correct the lack of steady blood flow to the male organs during sexual stimulation are used by males both young and old. These drugs not only correct a simple bodily debilitation in terms of pleasure, […]