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Can I Bring My Newborn Baby To Drug Rehab?

Brittany Thompson, MSMFT

Medically reviewed by

Brittany Thompson, MSMFT

February 1, 2019

Entering treatment is difficult enough without having to worry about the well-being of one’s children. Many rehab facilities now allow mothers to bring their children with them to treatment so that they can recover knowing their children are being taken care of.

When you’ve made the admirable decision to seek treatment for drug addiction, you will be facing many challenges. You will be going through a process that will help free you from dependency. Throughout this process, you will learn new ways to deal with life that can be hard to master, requiring much effort and dedication.

If you’ve just had a baby, you will be facing additional, unique challenges. So it is important to know what options are available to you when it comes to obtaining treatment, particularly residential rehabilitation, with a newborn.

A Variety Of Treatment Options Are Available For Drug Rehab

Prior to becoming pregnant, you may have already reached the decision to make a change in your life, and free yourself of drug dependency. Whether you have already started treatment, or have made up your mind to do so but haven’t actually done it yet, you should be proud of yourself for realizing change is necessary to better your life.

One of the first steps in seeking treatment for drug addiction is to determine how you will obtain therapy. There are many options available:

  • Outpatient – This can encompass a wide range of treatments such as one-on-one counseling or group therapy such as Narcotics Anonymous.
  • Medicinal Detox Treatment – Medications such as Methadone and Suboxone can help alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal. These can be obtained through some assistance programs and your physician.
  • Inpatient/ResidentialResidential rehabilitation consists of staying full-time at a facility for a longer period of time, often 30 days or more.
  • Wilderness/Outdoor – Long-term, full-time treatment generally done in a wilderness setting.

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There Are Unique Benefits To Therapy In A Residential Program

When you’ve just had a baby, one of the best options for treatment of drug addiction is residential rehabilitation. Residential rehabilitation has many benefits other types of treatment don’t offer. It is a program which involves continuous support, which helps eliminate stress and uncertainty so you can focus on recovery.

Benefits of residential rehabilitation may include:

  • Being removed from an environment that enables drug use
  • Direct medical supervision, particularly important when going through detox
  • Freedom of distraction from the therapeutic process
  • Structured daily schedules which include therapy sessions
  • Around-the-clock support system
  • Beneficial activities such as yoga and acupuncture

Rehabilitation Is Particularly Important For The New Mother

When you’ve just had a child, the impact of drug abuse affects not only yourself but also your baby. You’re now responsible for the quality of your child’s life, in addition to your own. Rehabilitation from drug addiction is never easy, but the residential method of therapy offers benefits that can make the process much smoother than other types of treatment.

This kind of environment not only can be greatly beneficial to the individual going through drug addiction treatment, but it can also greatly benefit their baby or child(ren). Specific benefits for both may include:

  • Reduction of risk from environmental factors that led to drug addiction in the first place
  • Peace of mind that you and your baby are receiving the attention you both need
  • A healthy, stress-free environment for both you and your child
  • Parenting training
  • Proper nutrition, particularly important for the nursing mother or a baby who can’t nurse
  • Perinatal medical care, including detox if necessary
  • Schooling

Through residential rehabilitation, not only the mother but the baby receives a type of care that may not otherwise be available to them. So not only is residential treatment possible for a new mother and her baby, it is in many ways better than other types of rehabilitation therapy.

The Joys Of Rehabilitation And A New Baby

Residential programs that accept babies and children are plentiful across the United States. Amenities and programs vary, you will need to find out ahead of time what an individual facility allows. For instance, some allow more than one baby or child. can help you find out if residential rehab is accessible for you and your baby. Contact us to find out how to make this time one of the joyful new beginnings for you both.

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