Biphetamine Addiction And The Best Rehab Centers For Treatment

Medically reviewed by
Brenda Munnerlyn, RN, BSNJanuary 29, 2019
Biphetamine, also sold under the brand name Adderall, is an amphetamine prescribed to treat ADHD as well as narcolepsy. The name “biphetamine” refers to the two active compounds, amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, contained within the drug. This substance is highly potent and has a very high risk of addiction.
Understanding Biphetamine Abuse
Biphetamine is typically abused in pill form but may be taken intravenously. Those who abuse the drug may also smoke it or snort a pulverized tablet. Abusing biphetamine can quickly lead to addiction and even overdose.
Biphetamine works to stimulate an adrenaline response within the body. Since the second world war and subsequent wars, biphetamine has been used as a cognitive stimulant. It was discovered the drug helped pilots and ground troops stay focused during long missions. During the Gulf War, 57% of US soldiers reported using stimulants like biphetamine to stay alert. It is also sometimes prescribed to elderly patients to counter fatigue.
Today, common street names for biphetamine include black beauties, blackbirds, and black bombers named for the dark capsules the drug is contained within.
Is Biphetamine Addictive?
Addiction is closely linked to increased dopamine levels within the brain. Dopamine is responsible for the reward centers of the brain and regulates everything to we do to achieve pleasure, whether it’s eating our favorite foods, indulging in that morning cup of coffee, going for a long run, or even having sex. The purpose of the reward system of the brain is to perpetuate the survival of the species, but in a world where food and intoxicating drugs are readily available to many, those reward centers can lead to some pretty significant addictions.
Normally, when the body craves something that it associates with survival, like a good steak or a glass of water when thirsty, dopamine neurotransmission occurs. With a drug like biphetamine, the flood of dopamine occurring with uptake of the drug is significantly higher than normal, creating a strong association between the body and the drug for survival. In the most severe cases, a chronic state of intoxication occurs in which the person behaves as though they are suffering from schizophrenia.
To complicate the matter, drugs like Biphetamine and Adderall, are often prescribed to children and young adults with developing brains who take the drug as prescribed, but become addicted as their bodies develop a tolerance to the drug.
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Biphetamine Side Effects
An increase in norepinephrine levels in the body can signal excess contractions of the heart, leading to an increase in heart rate known as tachycardia. Due to this physiological response, those who take biphetamine run the risk of irregular heart rhythm, more rapid breathing, and higher blood pressure.
Side effects may also include:
- increase in body temperature
- insomnia
- paranoia
- dehydration
- stomach pain
- a headache
- restlessness
- agitation
- nausea
- vomiting
- weight loss
- stroke
- cardiac issues
- kidney damage
- delusions
Long-term abuse can lead to semi-permanent decreased levels of dopamine in the body resulting in restless limbs and shakiness, muscle weakness and fatigue. Overdose can occur with continued unmonitored use or abuse of the drug. Due to the nature of the drug in stimulating the adrenal system and constricting the vascular system, cardiac arrest, and other cardiovascular dysfunction is common. If you suffer from these or any of the following signs of overdose, seek medical help immediately.
Biphetamine And The Brain
Biphetamine triggers a number of signals in the brain, specifically dopamine and norepinephrine neurotransmission. Dopamine and norepinephrine neurotransmitters affect both cognitive alertness and focus. At the same time, the norepinephrine restricts blood flow throughout the body. With adrenal glands also stimulated, the body’s fight or flight response kicks in, inducing a rush of adrenaline.
Almost immediately, users feel euphoric and invincible. With continued use, these effects can be accompanied by extreme paranoia and agitation. The drug’s potency is on par with cocaine and methamphetamine and is associated with a high risk of abuse.
Today, non-stimulant and non-addictive options that rely solely on increasing norepinephrine uptake are available for the treatment of ADHD in children.
Biphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms
As the body becomes increasingly dependent, tolerance for the drug increases. More is necessary to achieve the same level of “high” or to experience that surge of energy and withdrawal symptoms can begin to emerge when those levels are not met. Withdrawal symptoms may not only be severe, but can generate mental disorders including severe anxiety, obsessive disorders, and panic attacks.
More common symptoms of withdrawal from biphetamine include irritability, anxiety, depression, paranoia, agitation, and severe fatigue. These appear in striking contrast to how biphetamine users feel on the drug, leading them to seek out another dose or increase their own dosage.
Signs Of Biphetamine Overdose
Using too much of most stimulants can have devastating results; biphetamine is no different. The signs of biphetamine overdose may include:
- shortness of breath
- chest pain
- extreme fatigue
- mania
- hallucinations
- hives
- slurred speech
- aggressive behavior
A drug overdose is an emergency situation and needs to be treated as such. More than 63,600 Americans died from a drug overdose in 2016 alone. If a person is unresponsive or believed to be experiencing a drug overdose, call 911 immediately.
Find Biphetamine Addiction Treatment
Drugs like biphetamine should be tapered down under medical supervision. Detoxification programs along with other treatment options and therapies can help biphetamine-addicted individuals through the withdrawal period.
Contact in confidence to find out what options are available in your area and illuminate a new and rewarding path forward free from drug dependency.
Article SourcesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention - Understanding the Epidemic