Addiction Treatment In The Military: Army Drug And Alcohol Rehab Programs

Medically reviewed by
Isaac Alexis, M.D., AAMA, AMP-BCFebruary 20, 2019
Over 10% of men and women in the Army have reported having severe alcohol abuse problems due to the constant stress they are under as a member of the US Military. Fortunately, there are rehab programs available for past and present members of the Army to ensure everyone gets the help that they need.
You’ve served or are currently serving in the Army for our country. You are also struggling from a drug or alcohol addiction and you need help now. But you’re not sure where to seek help. If you are currently in the Army and are struggling from a drug or alcohol addiction, you may be frustrated with the Army’s substance abuse program. Know that there is more than one program out there that is perfect for you and what you’re going through. Contact us today for help getting into a program that meets your individual needs.
1 in 8
A study conducted by the Army over this past year found that 140,000 soldiers (or 1 in 8 in the study) had severe drinking problems. Many soldiers develop an addiction to alcohol or prescription medications after complications due to war. Thousands of Army soldiers struggle with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), chronic pain from injuries, traumatic brain injuries, interpersonal disputes between family, or even finances and they turn to alcohol or drugs to numb the pain. If you are struggling from an addiction and are unsure of which rehab to attend, we are here to help.
Next Steps
Regardless of where you get your treatment, the first step of recovery is recognizing that you have a problem and that you want to change. Your willingness to recognize the problem and desire to change is going to be a huge building block to your recovery and success, no matter where you receive treatment.
So if you are looking around for rehabs, where should you look? Pick up your smartphone, tablet, or computer, and visit our website at By going to our homepage and clicking on “Find Rehab,” you will find that we have categorized rehabs by all 50 states, by treatment type (inpatient, outpatient, male/female, etc.), and even by insurance. If you need help deciding which program is right for you, reach out to us today, or browse our many options on our website to learn more.
virtual care
Get treatment when
and how you need it.
Inpatient vs. Outpatient
When deciding on a rehab, you might not be sure if you should attend an inpatient facility or an outpatient facility. Inpatient facilities have proven to be more successful, overall. This is because patients will be fully submersed in treatment and will be required to stay 30-90 or more days, depending on their unique situation. Psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors, and professionally trained staff will be more readily accessible to monitor a patient’s progress at an inpatient facility. Inpatient facilities separate an individual from society for a while, lending to total focus on your recovery and leading to greater success rates and fewer chances of relapse. Depending on which inpatient facility you choose, your friends and family may be able to visit you on weekends or during designated hours, so you are not completely isolated from loved ones.
If you have been diagnosed with substance abuse and a co-occurring mental illness or physical injury (PTSD, bi-polar, traumatic brain injury, depression, etc.), be sure to attend an inpatient facility that treats not only your drug and alcohol addiction but your mental ailments as well. Treating just the addiction but ignoring your other physical or psychological problems can lead to relapse or worse. Your dual diagnosis (substance abuse plus mental illness) needs to be fully addressed in order for you to successfully recover. Look for inpatient rehabs that offer dual diagnosis treatment options.
Outpatient facilities are more geared towards aftercare treatment when you have successfully completed an inpatient stay. Outpatient programs often meet for a few days a week for several hours at a time. Because the patient can go back home after their programs at the end of the day, it is not as demanding of your time as an inpatient stay. However, outpatient programs aim to keep patients accountable and on track with their sobriety. Outpatient groups and meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) have proven to be very beneficial for many recovering individuals.
Whichever facility or treatment type you decide on, be sure that you are receiving quality care and the attention that you need. Be sure that the staff and doctors, as well as the facility, are all accredited. If you feel that you are not receiving adequate care, reach out to us today and we’ll help you find the treatment program that is right for you.
Army Strong
In the Army, you’re trained to be strong and to help others. You may be embarrassed about your addiction to drugs or alcohol or you might be afraid to ask for help. You’ve sacrificed so much for our country and you deserve to live a happy and healthy life.
Our number is 800-406-7633. And don’t forget to check us out at If you have tried an inpatient or outpatient program, but it hasn’t met your needs, don’t give up hope. We’re here to help you find the best treatment so you can live the life you imagined. Call or contact us today.