United Healthcare Rehabs In Puerto Rico – Insurance Coverage
Whether a dependent loved one starts using illicit substances or an individual discovers that he or she drinks in excess, finding a realistic solution starts with seeking professional treatment. The best treatment programs in Puerto Rico depend on personal needs, but understanding the insurance policies from United Healthcare offers the chance to start making positive changes.
Coverage In Puerto Rico
United Healthcare provides a few different policy options in Puerto Rico that help with addiction treatment and mental health treatments. Since United Healthcare offers several different policies, individuals have different levels of coverage for addiction recovery. Generally, the policies fall under a PPO, Choice, or Choice Plus plan.
The Choice and Choice Plus policies allow individuals to seek treatment in an appropriate program without obtaining a referral from a primary care doctor. The policies do prefer treatment in an in-network facility, but ensure that individuals have the opportunity to seek treatment in any facility that offers covered services.
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The exact coverage in a PPO policy varies: usually they cover a percentage of addiction and mental health disorder treatment programs. In most cases, out-patient treatment programs require a co-payment for each visit. An in-patient or residential program usually requires a co-insurance rate, which means that the policy covers a percentage of the costs.
Treatments Available In Puerto Rico
Ideally, a program will offer a personalized treatment plan as some individuals need specific treatments to address underlying complications. For example, an individual might need treatment for a mental health disorder, or a co-occurring disorder, at the same time he or she seeks treatment for substance abuse. A mental health disorder complicates recovery due to the underlying symptoms that make substance abuse tempting to the individual, so a program must address the situation.
In most cases, a program that offers evidence-based treatments, like cognitive therapies and behavior modification, are covered by an insurance policy from United Healthcare. In some cases, the policy will also cover holistic treatments and traditional treatments, like counseling or group therapy. Alternative medicines and treatments, like acupuncture, are not always covered by a policy because it is considered an elective treatment.
Evaluate the details of the policy before finalizing a treatment to ensure that the plan will cover the costs. Pay particular attention to any exclusions or limitations stated in the policy. For example, a policy might limit the number of out-patient sessions for a single year, so individuals must pay attention to the duration of treatment. Residential programs often have a limitation of 30 days, but some policies offer long-term treatment options, so read the details to determine if the plan has limitations associated with the duration of treatment.
Starting A Treatment Program
Puerto Rico offers a variety of options to help with long-term recovery goals. Since United Healthcare does offer different policies through employers, individuals and families have solutions for addiction recovery or treatments for mental health disorders. By using the tools available at RehabCenter.net, you can find the right treatment program for personal needs.