Indiana Dual Diagnosis Rehab Centers

Most residents of Indiana would be hard-pressed to claim that they know no one who struggles with mental illness. While many are experts at hiding their condition, many people in the state are touched by mental illness in one way or another. Understanding mental illness and its impact on the state is the first step in successfully dealing with substance abuse problems.

Prevalence of Mental Illness in Indiana

The population of Indiana has been hit heavily by mental illness. Consider depression, as an example. In 2006 the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System survey found that nearly 10 percent of those who responded in Indiana struggled with depression. Nearly 20 percent indicated they had been diagnosed with depression at some point in their lifetimes.

Among these, female respondents were almost twice as likely to struggle with depression. Also, those in the 40 to 59 age group had a greater risk. Race also played a factor in prevalence of depression diagnosis, with African Americans at the highest risk.

Yet depression is just one facet of mental illness. In 2007, 3.5 percent of Indiana’s respondents indicated they had serious psychological distress. Respondents also indicated they had a mean average of 3.8 mentally unhealthy days out of the last 30.

Anxiety is also prevalent in Indiana, with 13.8 percent of the population indicating they had a diagnosis of anxiety in their lifetime. Like depression, anxiety affects people differently based on their socioeconomic standing. White, non-Hispanic individuals are the most likely to struggle with anxiety, with 12.2 percent responding that they had experienced an anxiety diagnoses. The 35-44 and 45-54 age groups had the highest percent, with 12.0 and 12.9 percent respectively. Women are almost twice as likely to struggle with anxiety compared to men.

People living in nursing homes are also at a high risk for depression and mental illness. While statistics for Indiana specifically are not available. The National Nursing Home Survey indicates that nationally, 67.7 percent of nursing home residents are diagnosed with mental illness. Of those, 35.3 percent suffer from mood disorders and 11.7 percent suffer from anxiety, stress and adjustment disorders.

These statistics are important in light of addiction treatment, as substance abuse is closely linked to mental illness according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. This has created a need for dual diagnosis in Indiana.

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What Is Dual Diagnosis and How Does Treatment Work?

Indiana’s residents who struggle with addiction and mental illness need to treat both conditions in order to successfully recover. Treating addiction alone without addressing the mental illness will not bring lasting results, and treating the mental illness without addressing the addiction will leave the patient trapped in the cycle of addiction. Whether a person is predisposed to addiction or has fallen victim from his or her environment/peer pressure, focusing on the underlying issues is key to a successful recovery.

Dual diagnosis centers employ medical, mental health, and addiction professionals to treat the entire person. Medical doctors help with the medical symptoms of withdrawal, while mental health professionals help combat the mental health issues. Addiction treatment professionals provide the therapy necessary to fully overcome addiction, once the mental health problems are under control. Together, this combined approach to treating addiction and mental health issues achieves greater success.

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