Kentucky Drug Detox Centers

Kentucky is ground zero for the national fight to reduce prescription drug abuse. The state ranks third in the United States on mortality from drug overdose. An astonishing 23.6 per 100,000 people die each year from drug overdose, over 400% higher than rates in 1999. Rising rates of prescription drug abuse accounts for much of this change. Although prescription medications are widely used, they can lead to drug abuse and addiction. The most commonly used substances include medications such as Oxycontin, Ambien, Xanax, fentanyl, and codeine.

Measures Taken By Kentucky Lawmakers to Curb Prescription Drug Abuse

Noting a recent increase in the rate of prescription drug abuse in the state, Kentucky lawmakers have made it a priority to pass laws limiting the opportunities for individuals to become addicted to medications. A state-wide initiative increases physicians’ education about the dangers of drug abuse as well as common signs of misuse of prescription medications. Furthermore, Kentucky has a law expanding layperson access to naloxone, a prescription drug that can help to prevent drug overdose.

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Why Enter a Drug Detox Center?

Although prescription drugs lead to noticeable short-term effects such as euphoria, decreased pain, and a “high,” they also have longer-term impacts on your brain. Chronic use of prescription drugs affects the brain’s pleasure centers, causing you to crave the drug and require more of it to get the same effects. Over time, this brain rewiring profoundly changes the way you interact in daily life. Unfortunately, attempts to quit the drug may lead to uncomfortable side effects, severe cravings, and even medical complications. As a result, quitting a drug is best done in a safe, controlled medical environment. Entering a drug detox center ensures that you are surrounded by medical professionals with experience and skill treating people like you.

Balanced Life Solutions

For many individuals suffering from prescription drug abuse, there is a long history of co-occurring mental health problems. For example, a large proportion of individuals using prescription drugs also deal with depression or anxiety disorders. Properly treating this “dual diagnosis” requires the help of experienced professionals who can teach you to manage your mental health problems as well as your drug use.

Use of prescription drug leads to long-term health consequences, including cardiovascular disease, cognitive problems, anxiety, and depression. Seeking professional help is the best way to take charge of your health and overcome your prescription drug abuse. However, it’s important to find a treatment facility with experience helping people like you.

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