5 Drug Rehab Centers Near Willmar, Minnesota


Substance Abuse In Willmar & Kandiyohi County, Minnesota

Willmar has less of an opioid problem than many regions in Minnesota. They have a bigger crisis with alcohol for both teens and adults. Drug and alcohol use facts for this area include:

  • Students in Kandiyohi County have a higher rate of alcohol use than the state average.
  • As of 2017, Kandiyohi County had collected more than 12,000 pounds of prescription drugs in their dropbox program.

If the treatment options in Willmar and the surrounding area aren’t right for the person with addiction, contact RehabCenter.net and touch base a treatment specialist today.

Kandiyohi County Health and Human Services - https://www.kcmn.us/docs/PublicHealth/Local_Health_Data/2017%20Kandiyohi%20County%20HHS%20Annual%20Report.pdf

Substance Use in Minnesota - http://www.sumn.org/~/media/342/KANDIYOHI%20COUNTY%202015%20SUMN%20Fact%20Sheet.pdf

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