3 Drug Rehab Centers in Candler, North Carolina

Residents have access to a number of drug and alcohol rehab centers located in Candler, North Carolina and the surrounding communities.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers In Candler, North Carolina

Within the Candler city limits, there are residential programs for both men and women, as well as an outpatient facility that provides services for youth and their families.

Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers Near Candler, North Carolina

If the rehab options in Candler aren’t the right fit, residents can consider other addiction treatment centers in nearby Asheville.

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Substance Abuse In Candler & Buncombe County, North Carolina

It’s evident based on statistics gathered by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute that Buncombe County residents struggle with substance abuse. Consider:

  • In 2018, drug overdose was responsible for 140 deaths in Buncombe County.
  • This equates to a drug mortality rate of 18 deaths per 100,000 residents.

Leaving Candler, North Carolina For Treatment

Although there are numerous options for addiction treatment in Candler and Asheville, residents can also consider rehab centers in other places. However, they do not have to search alone. For help and guidance, contact RehabCenter.net today and connect with a treatment specialist.

County Health Rankings - http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/app/north-carolina/2018/measure/factors/138/data

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