Live Resin Cannabis Concentrates Abuse And Addiction
Medically reviewed by
Dr. Gerardo SisonMarch 29, 2019
Live resin a new form of cannabis, can be abused in a manner that leads to dependence and addiction. It is important to know what this substance is and the negative side effects associated with it in order to stay safe and avoid this substance.
Live resin is one of the newest cannabis concentrates. During the extraction process that yields live resin, marijuana (cannabis) is cryogenically flash frozen shortly after the plant is harvested. This method is said to prevent certain chemicals called terpenes from deteriorating. Terpenes are responsible for giving marijuana its distinct flavor and scent.
Because of this, one of the most notable differences that make live resin stand out from other concentrates is its trademark pungent aroma, a quality that makes it appealing to many people. Individuals who use it medically also believe that the higher concentration of terpenes gives it greater medicinal benefits.
But despite these characteristics, live resin use, either medically or recreationally, could develop into patterns of addiction.
Live Resin Cannabis Concentrate Abuse
Like other drugs that are used for medical purpose, medical marijuana can be abused. If a person begins to misuse medical marijuana by using it for a purpose beyond its specified use, or in quantities or frequencies different than they should be, they’re abusing this drug.
On the other hand, many people who use marijuana recreationally to elicit a high or pleasurable effect may be drawn to live resin due to its higher THC content. THC is the active chemical in cannabis that creates the mind-altering properties of this drug.
Side Effects And Symptoms Of Live Resin Cannabis Concentrate Abuse
Live resin use and abuse can alter the way a person experiences the world around them. This impact can create mental and emotional changes and even result in altered behaviors. In addition to this, live resin abuse can change the way a person’s body functions, resulting in physical changes, many of which are visible to an outside observer.
Psychological Signs Of Live Resin Abuse
When a person uses live resin, the effects can be felt fairly quickly. At this time, a person’s mood may shift and the way they process their senses may change. For instance, the colors of a person’s surroundings may appear brighter than they really are.
Other mental and emotional side effects of live resin abuse include:
- altered perception of time
- difficulty thinking
- impaired focus
- impaired memory
- impaired problem-solving skills
- pleasurable feelings or euphoria
- poor concentration
Despite the feel-good effects many people seek when using live resin, abuse of this substance can cause negative mental states including:
- anxiety
- distrust
- fear
- panic
- paranoia
At high doses, marijuana abuse can also cause delusions, hallucination, and psychosis.
These perceptions could become dangerous for either the person using the drug or those around them. If a person becomes paranoid, delusional or begins to experience hallucinations or psychosis they may act out in a way that endangers their well-being or those nearby.
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Physical Signs Of Live Resin Abuse
When live resin is abused, the THC changes the way a person’s brain functions, an effect that can create physical changes as well, such as:
- coughing
- dry mouth or “cottonmouth”
- impaired body movement
- increased appetite or “the munchies”
- dry, red eyes
- feeling very relaxed
- increased heart rate
Behavioral Signs Of Live Resin Abuse
The mental and physical changes caused by marijuana can significantly alter a person’s behavior, causing them to act in uncharacteristic or strange ways. During this time a person may:
- laugh excessively or for no apparent reason.
- eat large amounts of food.
- become extremely lethargic.
- become highly unmotivated.
- take risks they normally wouldn’t.
As live resin abuse takes a greater hold over a person, they may begin to negate important areas of their life, such as those that pertain to their family life, home, job, or schooling.
Some people may forget habits of self-care, a fact that can create changes in their appearance and poor personal hygiene. Live resin is also one of the most expensive forms of concentrate, a fact that could lead a person to financial struggles as they spend growing amounts of money on the drug.
Live Resin Cannabis Concentrate Paraphernalia
One of the biggest signs of abuse are items or paraphernalia that a person uses to take the drug.
Many people prefer to use live resin by dabbing, though it may also be used by vaporizing, smoking, or eating it. Some people may combine it with the dried plant form of marijuana too.
To use live resin, a person will typically have certain paraphernalia, items that may include:
- bongs
- edibles (food items live resin is in, such as candy or baked goods)
- oil rigs (dab rigs)
- one-hitter and box
- glass, ceramic, or metal pipes or bowls
- a sticky nail (for dabbing)
- torches
- vape pens
- vaporizers
Some people may attempt to make live rosin, a somewhat different concentrate at home. To do this, a person may have a hair straightener or a machine made for this purpose on hand.
How Common Is Live Resin Cannabis Concentrate Dependence And Addiction?
While many people may believe marijuana is not addictive, research has found otherwise. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 30 percent of people who use marijuana could potentially have a marijuana use disorder. The younger marijuana abuse starts, the higher the risk of addiction.
- When marijuana abuse starts before age 18 a person is four to seven time more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder than those who begin use as adults.
- Some research suggests that men have a higher risk of forming a dependence on marijuana than do women.
- Roughly one out of every ten people who try marijuana one or more times will develop a dependency.
- Of the people who use the drug on a daily basis, half will become dependent on it.
Even more, experts believe that higher THC levels could increase the risk of addiction for those who take high doses on a consistent basis. As live resin can have higher THC levels than smoking the plant material, a person’s risk for addiction may be higher with this substance.
Signs Of A Live Resin Cannabis Concentrate Addiction
As live resin use becomes more frequent, episodes of abuse can become more compulsive and lead to addiction. When a person has a cannabis use disorder, their life will frequently change to accommodate their drug abuse.
Signs of a marijuana use disorder include when a person:
- uses more cannabis than they intended or when they use it for longer than they planned on.
- cannot decrease or stop their drug use even if they want to or thought they have tried multiple times to do so.
- give up large amounts of time to finding and using the drug or getting over its effects.
- experiences strong urges or cravings to use the drug.
- begins to struggle at home, work, or at school due to frequent episodes of cannabis abuse.
- keeps on using the drug even after its causing them to struggle in social ways or within relationships.
- stops taking part in activities relating to hobbies, their social life, or occupation due to drug abuse.
- uses the drug in circumstances that could bring them physical harm.
- keeps on using the drug even when they know it’s causing them physical or mental health problems.
- has a tolerance and finds they need more of the drug to create the feelings they seek.
- experiences cannabis withdrawal or uses the drug to reduce withdrawal symptoms.
Signs of marijuana withdrawal include anxiety, crabbiness, cravings, poor appetite, and sleeplessness.
Getting Treatment For Live Resin Cannabis Concentrate Addiction
Marijuana abuse and addiction can reduce the quality of a person’s life and the satisfaction they derive from it. As use becomes chronic and compulsive, the fulfillment a person once found in their relationships, hobbies, and career may be fleeting.
A comprehensive treatment program for marijuana addiction recognizes these issues and the negative impact they can have on a person’s sense of self and well-being. Not only this, but treatment should help a person to identify any dysfunctional or harmful mindsets and behaviors that may be contributing to addiction. Through therapy and counseling sessions, a person will learn healthy and positive ways that they can think and act that support sober living.
Addiction to marijuana may be treated in an outpatient or inpatient drug rehab program, however, individuals who are struggling with mental health problems may find a higher level of care and resources in a residential dual diagnosis treatment program.
Article SourcesLearn About Marijuana - Dependence on Marijuana
Medscape - Cannabis-Related Disorders Clinical Presentation
National Institute on Drug Abuse - Most Commonly Used Addictive Drugs
National Institute on Drug Abuse - What is marijuana?