Gray Death Infographic

Gray Death is a deadly, new opioid combination drug that contains several opioids and opioid synthetics. The drug is far too potent for human consumption, and commonly leads to overdose, which can be fatal.

Gray Death Deadly Street Opioid Mix_

A new street drug made up of opioids and synthetic opioids, Gray Death is plaguing the nation with overdose and death. The exact contents in the final substance are often a mystery, although Gray Death is generally made up of heroin, fentanyl, carfentanil, and U-47700 which is also known as “Pink”. There is no exact recipe for Gray Death, but typically a person intends to buy heroin when they wind-up this mixture. The drugs laced with the heroin are dangerous, and far too potent for human consumption. Carfentanil is a tranquilizer used for elephants and tigers, is 100 times more potent than heroin, and 10,000 times more potent than morphine; fentanyl is 50 times more potent than heroin, and “Pink” is 7-8 times more potent than morphine. Because of the potency of Gray Death, it often leads to death by overdose, and in 3 months led to 50 overdoses in Georgia alone.

Read more about Gray Death: A Deadly New Street Opioid Mix

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Gray Death Deadly Street Opioid Mix_Infographic

You Can Overcome An Opioid Addiction—We Can Help

Opioid overdose is a medical emergency and should always be treated as such. If you believe someone is overdosing from heroin, call 911. A trip to the emergency room is always better than an untimely death. Getting trapped in an addiction to opioids can be difficult and terrifying, but it doesn’t have to mean the fight is over.  Contact us today if you’re concerned about a loved one, or would like to learn more about opioid abuse, addiction, or Gray Death. We want to help you get your life back.

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